
What if your team had a Player like Manny Ramirez?

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What i mean is he would produce hit over.300 and hit over 20 hr and over 100 rbi

but would have antics like Manny has Manny being Manny

How would you feel about that




  1. i wouldnt mind having him on my team cause he's a good player i dont care about his "manny being manny" thing

  2. i wouldn't deal with it its a chemistry killer within the clubhouse

  3. i do have him =D and believe me you wouldnt mind it, he produces on the field and he's funny as h**l the only thing that you get kind of upset about is that he begs to get traded and then some times doesnt wana get traded, but all in all you dont see a player high fiving fans but manny is different, its fun to have him on ur team

  4. As a Mariner fan, he probably wouldn't help our team, we would just drag him down like we have everyone else who's past through Seattle.

    I'm almost ashamed to be a Mariner fan.

  5. I wouldn't mind it!  He is an amazing athlete!  

    He'll learn to keep his MOUTH SHUT!  Or someone would teach him!   He would be an excellent addition to the Mets!  Their looking for a LF like him!  He'd be a perfect fit!

    I wouldn't worry about "Manny being Manny"!  Jerry Manuel doesn't put up with that!

    Good Question!

  6. Watched Manny play lot's of games as an Indian. He was just as good in1997 as he is now. By now he's probably better. Yes you have to put up his antics, but that's who he is.He sure can hit a baseball though. =o`)

  7. I'd like to see him traded ASAP, even though he's got decent production.

  8. I wouldn't like it one bit. Good thing I have never had that problem.

  9. I would love to have him on my team.  Attitude and all.  As long as he kept producing.

  10. hed be gone in a heartbeat thats why were the angels and their boston. like that other douchebag we got from them mo vaughn

  11. He's a virus in the clubhouse.  I say let him suffer in Boston.

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