
What if zombies were in your town/city?

by  |  earlier

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Would you run? Look for survivors and fight them off? Make a stronghold? Whats your weapon of choice? Maybe a flame thrower? A fancy sword? Or a good old fashion boomstick?




  1. I'd vote for a stronghold, with all those elegant protection mechanisms. Like Helm's Deep in Lord of the Rings. Weapon? Depends. Anything from swords and swishbuckels to portabe cannons and elephants!

    P.S. Creative question; I like it.

  2. lightsaber... hands down.. even max brooks.. the author of "The zombie survival guide" has said in lectures that this would be his ideal weapon.  I'm not kidding.. check it out.  other than that... the best thing to have is a weapon for every need... a rifle for medium range, and handgun for a backup, a sword or machete if you wanna get too close for comfort, and maybe a coupla molotave cocktails for good measure, he the book though it covers hunting techniques.. strongholds, weapons, and worst case scenarios

  3. id be will smith, or id bite my arm and say get out! of this dream.

  4. I'm a wimp..I wouldn't be leaving my house..I wouldn't run..I'd board up the windows, and doors, and hide in my closet..waiting for someone to rescue me...My weapon of choice would be a knife..not that it'd do much.

  5. Well since I already know what a zombies really is I could careless.... About where they are.......

  6. i live in bullhead arizona  their are zombies everyware

  7. i would evacuate with survivors and nuke it

  8. I would run to safer place, in a far away town or city which has no zombie.

    just in case there's no where to go, I'll make a stronghold and fight them with sword. Since zombie can be a product of black magic, then I'll fight them with a magic :)

  9. That would be awesome. I would take my kitchen knife set, swords, sharpen the swords, gather most people in my city and go to a stronghold. There will be most likely one already.

  10. I'd make a stronghold. Lock and board up all my doors and windows. Have someone gaurding 24/7. If they did manage to get in, or we had to go out to get food or rescue a mother-in-law or something, I'd bring a sword :D

  11. i'd sit on top of a big hill, that has steep sides all the way around, with a hose and just laugh as they all slide down and scream "Hey isn't this fun!"

  12. I'd be tempted to try and make a small party to go run with. Weapons, we're talking Trench spike for sure, probably something like a Remington 700 for if we get to a stronghold, and something like either a M249 which may get cumbersome, or an M4 + a Colt (handgun) for running.

    I think my stronghold would end up being Wal-Mart Supercenter though, no joke. I mean, food, guns, ammo, clothes. It's all there. Annnnd I can get photos of the zombies developed in an hour! woot!

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