
What iis the best region to stay in Venice?

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What iis the best region to stay in Venice?




  1. region? maybe you wanted to ask "district"? if district, any of the six into which Venice city (islands) is administratively divided. If you meant the Veneto region, well, Mestre is the place where there are all facilities you need for every day life plus Venice is so near. Treviso is beautiful ... but, your question is not complete, to stay as a tourist or to settle a steady life? as a tourist I would say Venice city centre or Mestre if you need a cheaper hotel.

  2. central location in Venice is very expensive.

    Try looking at Lido di Venezia. There you can enjoy a walk by the sea shore.

  3. Region? Or part of the city? The city is made up of 6 neighborhoods (or "sestieri"):

    1. San Marco

    2. Dorsoduro

    3. Canareggio

    4. Castello

    5. San Polo

    6. Santa Croce

    The best one to stay in in my opinion is Dorsoduro for its peace & quite and Castello for a real taste of Venice in one of it's still thriving neighborhoods.

  4. In Venice hotels are very expensive, so, if you can, you already have information. If you want to stay near Venice, I think that Mestre is a wonderful place.

  5. lido de jeslo

  6. It depends on what your criteria are. I always stay in San Marco because it's most convenient for the events that interest me Carnevale, Il Reddentore).

    Most of the cheapest options if you want to stay in Venice itself are in Cannaregio, but there are good options in any of the districts. Staying on the mainland is even cheaper, and as someone else suggested, Lido di Jessolo is nice. You will have to take the boats to get to and from your hotel when you're actually going to Venice.

    This is the site I use for booking hotels in Italy: You can pick a specific district on the map, sort hotels by price, or rating, and read reviews by past guests.

  7. First of all give a try. You can choose your hotel or appartment by region and also you don't have to pay for the accomodation until you check out.

    Venice, although divided into several districts isn't such a big place. You can walk from the Accademia bridge, though Saint Marks, around to the Rialto, through San Silvistro and back to the Accademia in a hour. Its like walking in a big circle. Mind you that's ok if you know Venice.

    If its your first time I'd recommend staying around Saint Marks so that you can get your bearings easily although the Locanda Arco Antico apartments are fab. (Venere)

    The first time I visited Venice the vaporetti drivers were on strike so we gor a bit lost. I kind Venetian gentleman helped us along our way but even he admitted there were little streets in Venice that he didn't even know existed.

    Lovely city though, have a great time.

    Buona fortuna

  8. I love Lido da Venice completely....Dorsoduro lovely.....

  9. Venice is not a region. you probably ment Veneto. which is the region that has Venice in it.

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