
What illegal drugs do you take ?

by  |  earlier

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What illegal drugs do you take ?




  1. None whatsoever

  2. weed and coke

  3. Skunk

  4. none that i know of.

    unless youre going to tell us food and drink manufacturers add things to stuff they make.

  5. None

  6. Vanity and insanity.

  7. weed

  8. I don't

  9. i hate it.

  10. None. I'm a teacher and I like to be a good role model. Besides, I've never taken any illegal drugs.

  11. I had a beer  in Saudi Arabia.

  12. I take prescription drugs to keep me alive, WHY on earth would I take illegal drugs that might kill me ?

  13. None. Coke and alcohol almost killed my husband. He had a small heart attack and didn't know it. He was too numb from all the coke he was doing. Now he's clean and sober. 1 year and one month.

  14. erm none, what kind of question is that! who wants to boast or even admit they take drugs

  15. E's, weed, coke, that's about all I do

  16. Liquid 'ha'

  17. love is my drug..ya..xx

    get me a ring or no more ring for you...xx

  18. Let me check ,   ummm none unless Aleve became illegal overnight!

  19. None, thanks for the 2 points

  20. takeing drug dose not make you cool but i understand sometime i dont

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