
What illnesses can babys have if their mother did drugs/drank during early pregnancy?

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What illnesses can babys have if their mother did drugs/drank during early pregnancy?

mainly looking for shorter term problems.

as my sisters preg and still drinking.. :( x




  1. Drug taking will cause the baby to be addicted to the drug which the mother was ingesting regularily and then they need to go through withdrawal (very sad to watch and painful for the infant). Heavy drinking basically can cause brain damage;  it will affect there general development and there ability to learn. Really a sad situation

  2. The child could be born while going through withdrawals because the baby would addicted to the drugs also. Remind your sister that whatever she puts in her body, the baby gets it also, right now that baby is calling her body "home"

  3. depends on the drug, my ex bil baby was born addicted to meth and has brain damage from it, she was also taken away at birth he didnt get her back till he was clean and sober at 18 mos old. they take blood from the baby at birth to check for any problems it may have, thats just routine.

  4. drinking while your pregnant, may cause down syndrome. Doing drug can cause a lot of different problems, altimately whatever the mother does the baby does as well. The baby may form an addiction to the drug that the mother is doing.

  5. the baby can be born addicted to the drug[s] the women was using & have alot of side affects

    * ex. my cousins girlfriend was using drugs wen she was preg. & the baby came out with all the drugs in her system was born shakin & was veryy sick until about 3-6 mnths old. she had rashes which the dr's said was because of the she was always vomiting and shaking.. poor thing .. but now shes 4 yrs old & is big healthy and beautiful as everr !

    [although im not sure if it has to do with the drugs but she has trouble learning.] & also her mother never got to have custody of her.

  6. Fetal alcohol syndrome...or they can be addicted to drugs...or birth defects and who knows what else. drugs and alcohol are not nutrients to the baby, and everything she does goes straight to it, as if it were nutrients, so its nothing but damaging. not good things...she needs to stop NOW. short term is not the issue, that baby is constantly developing, what she does now, will affect her babys health when its born....if even is alive to have health problems when its born, im sure shes risking having a miscarriage or still born by drinking and doing drugs.

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