
What illnesses were going on that would have killed people in 1918?

by Guest33546  |  earlier

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What illnesses were going on that would have killed people in 1918?




  1. The main epidemic was the flu being brought back by soldiers.  Hundreds died everyday so much so that graves were hurriedly dug and no markers are on some graves today as whole families died.  In the Texas county that I live in there is a separate death index volume for 1918-1919 of the people that died during this time.. Also in Texas was yellow fever, which appeared over and over again, different counties, different years.

  2. Flu

    Childbed fever (post delivery infection)

    Blood poisoning

    Consumption (TB)


    Apoplexy (stroke)




    Scarlet Fever

  3. The Spanish Flu lasted approximately from 1918 to 1920 and killed more people world wide than WW 1, about 20 to 40 million.    

  4. The infamous influenza of 1918 killed a lot of people in the world.

  5. It was the Spanish flu...Our local Cemetery was at the time a turnip farm and it was annexed by the city because there was no place to bury all those who died...among them were the owner of the turnip farm and his family.

  6. There was an epidemic that swept AmeriKa around 1920 and a lot of graves from that period will show young people died then.. I only know about it because I have been working on the geneaology of my family and found references to THE GREAT EPIDEMIC...

    Hope that helps.

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