
What image does the BBC have outside of Britain?

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How is it perceived? Is it respected as a broadcaster? Is it widely viewed?

Where are you, and what are your thoughts?




  1. Left wing.

    Not respected except in Muslim countries.

    Widely viewed because of what the name used to mean.

  2. I am In Canada and I watch BBC News on satellite everyday. And my father listens to them on the radio all the time. I feel the BBC is one of few broadcasters that actually delivers news, i.e not about Paris Hilton's new love, but about the 5 cruise missiles America sen at Somalia, the BBC being the only station that covered it.

    I hope the BBC continues to go strong and stay unbiased.

  3. Trust me people here in America actually interested in News, love BBC. Compare BBC with American media and you'll understand.

    I check BBC news everyday!

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