
What impact does the EU have on the UK?

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Just Asking thanksss.....




  1. far to much for my liking, hopefully someone will get us out and soon.

  2. UK influence the trend in the EU because it is powerful country with a progressive economy.

  3. Just check the Continental petrol prices and the UK prices and your question is answered in one of many forms.

  4. Hi there, just posted this in another topic:

    The EU is the highest parliament in the UK. Under the 1972 European Communities act, parliament must pass laws according to European law. On a day to day basis this means that the UK works closer to Europe. Under the treaty of Rome (which established the EU), goods, services and people are free to move without taxation or restriction (some borders don't even require a passport!). This means that the EU trades with each other first rather than the US and China, creating more jobs and keeping more in jobs.

    There are also huge subsidies and grants by the EU, farmers get a lot from the CAP (common agriculture policy), this causes over production of meat which is why meat is so cheap on the market. It also gives grants such as objective 1 to help high unemployed areas of the country start their own businesses to employ people.

    The disadvantages of the EU is that we're not really sure where we stand at the moment with parliamentary sovereignty. It is also very expensive because we give a lot of money to the new 2007 accession countries to raise themselves from poverty. There is also growing pressure for us to adopt the Euro (advantage or disadvantage?). There is also a huge democratic deficit with the EU. Despite being the highest legislative body in the UK, less than 40% of the population turned out to vote, compared to around 60% in the UK general elections.

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