
What impact have chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) emissions had on global warming?

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  1. CFC emissions were thought to have been the major destructors of the ozone layer so were banned from the U.S.

    These substances were banned, curiously enough, just as the patents were about to expire.

    The other countries of the world have no such bans but the ozone layer keeps cycling just like it always has.

    The 'hole' grows and shrinks like it always has.

    If you want to know the truth of the matter, find where the money is being made on the various bans and panics.  Remember, it was only about 30 years ago that global cooling was going to freeze us all and our gov't was making plans to scatter carbon on the polar ice caps to reduce albedo and bring about a warming trend.

  2. Not a big one, and what there is is very complicated.

    CFCs are a greenhouse gas, which causes warming.  But they destroy ozone, and that causes cooling.

    Wikipedia is actually excellent on this issue:

  3. CFC's in the upper atmosphere are thought to interfere with the photo chemical process that produces ozone from the effects of sunlight on air.  no sunlight shines directly on the poles for several months during their winter so no ozone is produced & whatever is there dissipates leaving a hole.

    when the sun returns in spring ozone is produced again & the ozone hole gets smaller.

    this has nothing to do with global warming but does effect the amount of U V radiation recieved by people living near the poles in places such as the tip of south America, Alaska,Sweden etc.

    the effect of CFC's as green house gasses is to small for us to measure.

  4. CFCs have NO impact on GW!  They are heavier molecules!

    Funny that the Alarmists are the ones that keep mentioning OZONE Hole in their twisted propaganda!?!?

    Do you only read one side of an debate?

    Here are a couple of web pages about Ozone:

    This page is the comparison of the "Hole" opening and  closing just as it has for millions of years:

    Ozone Hole Monitoring:

    This web page is mostly theoretical speculation as to how the HEAVIER CFCs will impact the Ozone Hole - if it can even remain in higher atmospheres?

    But #4 is VERY IMPORTANT for understanding!

    Quote: "4. - Sunspot cycle: ozone is created by solar UV radiation. The amount of UV radiation produced by the sun is not constant but varies by several percent in a roughly 11year cycle. This 11year cycle is related to magnetic changes within the sun which increase the solar UV output, and is heralded by an increase sunspots which appear on the surface of the sun. Comparisons of yearly ozone concentrations show a small 11 year variation in global ozone of about 2%. Episodes of unusual solar activity, solar storms and large solar flares, could certainly alter this value.".

  5. I like how Joe U brings up the old argument that scientists in the early seventies predicted cooling.

    In reality it was a handful of scientists and the lead scientist, Hansen, recanted in 1975, admitting that he had under-estimated the amount of CO2.

      There is no issue there, but skeptics keep repeating this nonsense, as if it actually is an argument against AGW.

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