
What impacts will the skewed gender ratio in China and India have?

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george - you've failed to take into consideration the fact that the s*x ratio between younger men and women is higher > 30 million more men than women of marriageable age sounds like quite a lot to me




  1. i think these countries will either produce more cases of polygamous marriages or homosexuals.

    man, seriously, we could use some homosexuals in India and China to help with the population problem,

    know what im sayin?  ;-)

  2. I just saw a documentary about this a few days ago!  It was amazing (maybe I can find the link).  Chinese women are highly sought after commodities these days, and second-class-citizens no more.  They will only become more empowered with time.  The whole flippin' irony about this is that it stems from a deeply-ingrained cultural preference for boys.   Looks like the girls are having the last laugh.  Ha!

    Found it!  It was called "China's Sexual Revolution" and was aired on the CBC programme "Doczone":

    "You've heard about China's Cultural Revolution and its sizzling Economic Revolution. But you haven't heard about its other great social upheaval - the Chinese Sexual Revolution - and like everything in that country it's happening at warp speed.

    It's China's version of the 60s revolution - on steroids."

    For ill or good,

    The times, they are a-changin'

    India is a totally separate case with its own cultural dynamics but I strongly suspect that "everything in that country is NOT happening at warp speed."  They have their own issues.

  3. means that china will be the next biggest market for pro-feminine sexist propaganda.. and i really pity the men for probably having to deal with so much family-related problems in the near future..

    simply put: the skewed gender ratio is bound to s***w them all up, soon as the feminists start marching in..

  4. There will be a lot of sad lonely guys, it would be like living in h**l not being able to get some love'n :-D

  5. Impacts? None.

    I think it is something between 850 and 900 females per 1000 males in India. While the s*x ratio in India is less than the global average (954), it won't impact society as a whole that much.

    You see, the USA has similar inequality, but only that it is reversed. It is having no serious repercussions is it? Same here. There is no need to assume less girls in some country = disaster, because less males in some country ≠ disaster.

    OK, you obviously think that IS a problem. What are you going to do about it? Encourage male foeticide? So, you want to outlaw female abortions but encourage male ones? Is that what I'm supposed to believe from someone claiming to be pro-choice?

  6. This is typical feminist propoganda

    Have a look at the real statistics of the population of China for example.

    684,251,523 m

    645,793,082 f

    1,330,044,605 m+f

    Which if my maths serves me right makes it 48.55 % female and 51.45 % male. Not a huge difference in numbers, is it now. Actually quite similar to the difference in numbers in the USA except in reverse.

  7. Neither China or India can see that an imbalance of more males than females will eventually have an impact on their society.  They can only think of males as being valued more because they contribute financially and do most of the work.  Females can only be married off and the dowry is not always affordable.  It's a shame that it's only old world culture, religion and lack of education that is blinding them to the real value of females.

  8. Well I suppose some chinese will be without a spouse an increase in prositution and the trafficking of women.

    I would be vary on saying it has no serious repercussions, men DO impose their will on women in the US and west, women DO have to look their best to compete with the other girls because they are a majority it is impossible for a woman to withhold s*x till married, h**l just shack some other girl. Basically marriage in the west doesnt happen untill he says so and while she plays hard to get at times very few say no when asked to marry, who knows if the next guy will marry eventually or just shack and dump her ? In China I can imagine women will have more power when it comes to relationships and will have an easier time getting married.

  9. I saw a news report that said in some parts of India brothers are sharing a wife because there aren't enough women to form regular families.

  10. NotASubmissiveWoman is correct. The upside to this imbalance is that young women will have their pick of husbands. Let's presume they will choose only the fair-minded ones who treat them as partners. The violent, misogynistic men will not find wives. Therefore, natural selection will allow these countries to breed sub-standard male personality traits out of the gene-pool.

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