
What implications for Georgia crisis now we know Palin was a member of AKIP?

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It's coming out now that Palin, and her husband were members of Alaska Independence Party.

Remember South Ossetia - they also wanted independence. And were shelled by Georgia, with training from Bush.

There are many parallels to come out of this locally - nationally - and internationally.

It'll get worse - because McCain's chief foreign affairs advisor is tied up with the Georgians, and receives payments to promote Georgia in USA




  1. Well, I think when you run for the second highest office in America you should be committed to being American. When the AIP works to make Alaska it's own country, separate from the US, and the Palins help them, you have to wonder about her true motives. If she was willing to foresake the nation once, why not again? And what does it say about McCain to choose her as second in command without looking into her background completely. This was a rash decision. It's supposed to be country first not Alaska first.

  2. Palin supports the gun-lobby (and is a life member of the NRA);

    She opposes the existing laws offering choice in abortion;

    She is an evangelical Christian who supports teaching of creationism in schools;

    She tried to ban books from her local library when mayor and (given her running mate is 72) has a reasonable chance of becoming president if McCain is elected.  

    Yet she has less experience than many local councilors. She has none at all of running anything other than a town of 9,000 people.

    In those circumstances, her previous membership (and apparent continued support) for the wackos in the Alsakan Independence Party is the least of the country's worries, I'd have thought.  

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