
What important biological changes happened to human that enabled them to evolve?

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What important biological changes happened to human that enabled them to evolve?




  1. Forward facing eyes, bipedalism, & color perception were the initial attributes that allowed bipedal apes to survive & evolve to produce the homo line. Tree dwellers developed forward facing eyes to judge distances between branches & color perception to determine when vegetable or fruit matter was edible.  These three attributes allowed bipedal hominids to evolve further & develop an intricate hand where force could be applied between any finger tip & the thumb.

    The ability to see predators & their kills over obstacles allowed them to scavenge meat & thus fed a large brain development with the extra protien. The ability carry food items & their young to the safety of trees away from predators eventually led them break the bones of the scavenged prey with rocks to obtain the marrow within. Therefore the hand became less curved for grasping branches & evolved for intricate tasks such as tool making. Somewhere along the way, hominids determined they too could become predators. As mentioned above, the propensity to socialize with other members of their group did allow for faster & longer periods of learning.


    It is doubtful that any other creature, other than a primate, had the necessary attributes to develop such a large brain.  The predator must always become smarter than the prey, or much faster & more powerful to succeed.  Therefore becoming a predator greatly increased the need for human brain growth.  Homo  neandertal "probably" died out because they were carnivoirs & depended upon meat to survive, while Homo sapien was an omnivoir that could subsist for long periods on either meat or plant material.

  2. About one or two billion years ago eukaryotes evolved a system to manage large amount of DNA that include recombination, sexual reproduction and multiple chromosomes.  Humans, like all life have the ability to evolve.  What enabled it was the billions of years of evolution to create the ancestor and selection pressures that shaped our design.

  3. Evolution of humans is a theory.

  4. Hands, upright position and socially inclined.

  5. I agree with other posts...

    bipedalism is often argued as being the building block of homo evolution...

    also increased mental abilities- ie development of societies/cultures

  6. Upright walking.

    Ability to move hand fingers with greater freedom to use tools.

    Desire to possess and store food, cloth and stuff like that which was one very important trait lacking in animal kingdom. They don't possess or store food for future except ants, bees, and some like that.

  7. The opposable thumb.

  8. biological advances don't cause evolution. changes in the environment which prone us to adapt causes evolution. when there is a selective pressure forced upon a species then evolution will occur. the most fit will survive and the weak or the ones that don't have the adaptive genes will die off.

    in regards to you question, there are alot of adaptations that we have that differ from other species and even from our most common ancestors. one of the biggest is culture (some primates and other animal have culture as well but not to the extent we do!!) now culture isn't so much a biological evolutionary trait but none the less it is very important. biologically we have bipedalism, larger brains, opposible thumb, etc... can go on forever

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