
What important roles do shock absorbers play in vehicle safety?

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What important roles do shock absorbers play in vehicle safety?




  1. Primarily, the shocks absorb impact and allow the operator to handle the vehicle easier. Think about a riding mower-no shocks, and difficult to maintain control at a higher speed when the course is rough. Same basic principal with a car or truck. If your not jolting around in the seat, your better able to see, steer, and maintain control. Also, in hard turns the shocks allow for better weight distribution, which means that the tires you want to have more control do.

  2. ever drive a go cart on a bumpy road?

    then drive on it with a car...........smooth.

  3. Without shock absorbers, there would be damage to the car, truck eventually, and not to mention the terrible ride!

  4. Basically, shock absorbers role on vehicles are to absorb the impact  received by the vehicle's wheels to ensure that the occupants can still feel the comfort during the ride on a rough and rugged terrain. Shock absorbers also prolong the life of the vehicle's under chassis linkage from sudden damage and breakage from continuous use. Just imagine a car without shocks where of you can see those bolts and screws flying around whenever you cross along humps and road potholes, it would be very disgusting.

  5. They prevent your springs from decompressing to rapidly. Otherwise you would just bounce all over the hi-way.

  6. Shock absorbers are a critical component for eliminating unwanted and excess motion in the body and suspension. Without shock absorbers, cars and trucks would bounce down the road in an uncontrollable fashion.  

    Without shocks, tires would lack adhesion and braking and cornering would be somewhere between dangerous and impossible.

    Shock absorbers play a critical role in vehicle stability and safety.

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