
What important things were going on about 11000 BC? (13000 years ago) AND....?

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same question with 26000 years ago (24000BC)


oooo and any online stuff i can read would be nice !




  1. Well, 11,000 years ago is the tail end of the Upper Palaeolithic era. The Earth was at the tail end of the most recent ice age. The American continent had already been colonized. Most societies were still organized around hunter / gatherers. 25,000 years ago is still squarely Upper Palaeolithic.

  2. I am assuming that you mean important geological events.  If I am correct, then go to:

  3. 10,000 - 11,000 BCE Nomadic peoples cross the Bering Land Bridge and enter North America.

    11,000BCE    A Paleolithic burial in San Teodoro Cave, Sicily, revealed an arrowhead embedded in the pelvis bone of an adult female. Another arrowhead is (it ended here).

    13,000-11,000 BCE

    Humans develop agriculture

    Mesolithic Age (Middle Stone Age)

    11,000 - 7,000 BCE

    11000 BCE: wheat and rye cultivated in Syria

    11000 BCE: Bering Straits landbridge submerged. America again isolated.

    11,000 BCE  Atlatl-using human hunted Pleistocene horse, sloths and guanaco in the high Andes.  

    11,000BCE    The earliest amber artifacts are from this time and were found in caves in Cheddar, England. The British Isles were connected to Europe and the English Channel could be walked across.

    11,000  People with a Paleoindian culture, described by archaeologists as Clovis, dominate North and Central America.

    11000 BCE – Approximate end of the Last Ice Age.

    10,000  Humans have spread into most of the earth's habitable places. Sparse populations allow for hunting game, gathering food that grows wild and drifting from campsite to campsite. Storytelling and myth are a major pastime.

    10,000-11,000 b.c.e. We live within what was the Glacial Lake Hackensack (10,000 – 11,000 b.c.e.) situated 2 miles west of Palisades, bout 15 miles wide, stretching from northern Perth Amboy 50 miles to NY/NJ

    8,000-10,000 b.c.e. Huge Mastodons (cousins to present day elephants) and Paleo-Indians (Lenape descedants) lived off the land.

    26,000  In Europe, Neanderthals are becoming extinct.

    20,000  By now humans are in southern Greece.

    25,000 BCE  Cave paintings found in France, Spain and Africa show stas, planets, animals and people in various poses.

    Fire-hardened J-curved throwing sticks appear in Australia.

    Type "A" blood type starts to appear in Middle East.  

    22,000 BCE  Humans appear in Japan.

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