
What impresses a male sagittarius?

by Guest58156  |  earlier

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What impresses a male sagittarius?




  1. what impresses male Sagittarius most is definitely a "sense of humor"...independence these male don't like someone who is clingy,because male sagittarius like to feel free..they may get turn-off by a "clingy female" Sagittarius male also adores confident,and someone who is "restless"

    gemini w/Sagittarius

  2. My brother is a Sagittarius and he is completely head over heels in love with his girlfriend, who is a Capricorn.  Usually fire signs are most compatable with other fire signs (Leos and Aries) but I think he is attracted to her loyalty and devotion to their relationship.  He also likes the fact that she knows how to manage money & how neat & tidy she is, because he cannot manage money to save his life and he hates to clean up any more than he is required to clean!

  3. A unicorn.

  4. your dog!


  6. What impresses a male Sagittarius is that the woman takes charge every once in a while.

  7. what do you mean impress?

    im a male sagittarius

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