
What impression does highly introverted people give on highly extroverted people?

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What impression does highly introverted people give on highly extroverted people?




  1. I'm an introverted person. I can imagine that people view me in different ways. Over the years, I've been told by extroverts who don't understand my personality that I'm mysterious, secretive, weird, conceited, stuck-up, standoffish, and upset. Some people have told me that I'm "anti-social", which is a completely incorrect use of the term (they were really trying to say the opposite of sociable, not friendly or outgoing). I recently saw a report card back from elementary school and a teacher wrote that I had "no social skills." I've always been the shy, quiet kid and I had a few friends in school. I was never interested in being popular or well-liked which always sets me apart from others. In my life, only a very few people (extroverts) have accepted me for who I am without judgement or criticism.

  2. I'm quiet most of the time... I always have been... I guess it depends on the type of extroverted person.

    When I was high school age, some highly extroverted people don't like me because they thought I had something to hide or I was conceited, when I was just really too nervous to start conversations most of the time.

    As I got older (I'm in my 30's now), people just learned to get to know me for who I am. My best friend now is highly extroverted and she's like my sister.

    Some extroverted guys seem to take my quietness for weakness & naivety. I get a lot of guys who try to talk to me because they prey on that. Luckily I'm not weak or naive though & I know how to weed out those types.

  3. i'm an extroverted person. introverted people to me come off as very mysterious. i tend to be attracted to men who are generally introverted but not shy. there is a difference. introverts just have no reason or need to express themselves like extroverts do. shy people to me or just insecure and weird

  4. being a higly extroverted person with some highly introverted friends, i think i am more than qualified to answer. they seem like they don't want to hang out with you. that's my first thought. like, what's the matter with me. but then i'll see them around other people and realize that they're just shy.

  5. I am really introverted and people have always thought I was stuck-up and didn't want anything to do with them. Whe in truth I did, but was to shy to make the first step. It sucks too.

  6. i am introvert, expressive, and individualist  Some people mistaken me as a loner who doesn't have friends.  That is why I hate them.  I really have friends. But, those people who judged me really take advantage on me such as inviting me as their project for they psychology and religion study.

  7. How about this --I can actually be both introverted and extroverted,  depending on the situation!

    I feel that when I was younger probably more introverted then! It still seems to rise in certain occasions when I feel timid or insecure.

    Now it isn't as big as a problem as it used to be, but it is still there!  For the most part as of now, I  would probably classify myself, as extrovert!

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