
What in God's name is wrong with this guy?

by  |  earlier

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I look at this picture 20 times a day and literally laugh until I choke every time. This is now my screen saver, I printed it out to hang up at work, and I emailed it to everyone I know. It is the funniest thing I have ever seen.


Why do you think?




  1. We all look weird at mid catch.

  2. The reason he looks like that is because he is really an alien hybrid, and all these scary new things frighten him!  

  3. LOL  That's great!  

    Now it's my screen saver too!

  4. ta - yea why??? looks like heneeds to P real bad

  5. It's because he happens to have darkly pigmented skin, laxity of the extra-ocular muscles and micrognathia.  I'm not sure which of these features you find so funny; personally I don't think there's anything funny about making light of a human being who happens to have a different shade of skin, nor variation in osseous structure of mandible nor laxity of the extra-ocular muscles of the eye.

    Perhaps he lacks the wealth for aesthetic surgery.  And the fact that he has darker skin isn't something that's abnormal or a disease.

    Perhaps laughing at a human being is really what's wrong.

  6. H erealiosed the balloon is full of wee!

  7. I have no sweet clue but thanks for the laugh!!! What a riot! I'll have to show hubs. He'll get a kick out of it.

  8. I'm sorry I didn't find it funny. The dude was in the middle of catching something (either the water balloon or whatever). ♥ ∞

  9. Cool photo!

  10. sorry, not funny to me - more like, next?

  11. he looks like he's just seen a feminist naked

  12. Maybe that's his "A water balloon is heading in my direction!" face.

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