
What in Non-riminant?

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  1. Non-ruminates are all animals which do not chew their cud. The word ruminate means : to chew cud. Ruminate animals include many familiar domestic animals such as cows, goats, sheep, and a few unfamiliar ones such as all the camalid family: camels, dromedaries, llamas, alpacas, and also domestic water buffalo. In addition to these domestic animals many wild animals are ruminates as well, such as deer, antelope, gazelle, giraffes, wildebeests and so on. All ruminants are either grazers (grass eaters) or browsers (brush and leaf eaters). Both grass and leaves are high in hard to digest materials, ruminants have a distinct ability to utilize the less digestible parts of grasses and browse because immediately after a ruminant animal eats, this course food goes down into a special "pre-stomach", where these food stuffs mix with bacteria,  this greatly helps to break the food down into digestible ingredients, after the food has Pre-digested a bit the animals regurgitate it and chew it again or "ruminate" it, after that the food goes back down through a series of pouches (false stomaches) untill it is finally digested the ordinary way in the animal's true stomach. Finally: sometimes the word ruminate is applied to human behavior, when a person mulls something over in their how many "stomachs" do ruminant animals have... anyway?!

  2. Not all browsing or grazing animals are ruminants, horses being the best example of a grazing, non-ruminant.  However, their digestive system isn't nearly as effecient as a ruminant's when it comes to extracting nutrients from forage.  Some time take a close look at a road apple (horse p**p) that has been rained on and you will see the large pieces of plant material.  Look at a rained on cow pie and you will see the particles are very much smaller.

  3. a non ruminant is an animal that has a single stomach such as a pig or a horse. ruminants are cattle and sheep or animals that have multiple stomachs

  4. Non ruminant are animals with a single stomach. It excludes almost every browser and grazer and includes most omnivores and meat eater hunter/ scavengers.

  5. It is a ruminate or a non-ruminate in animals, non-ruminates are simple stomach animals like pigs and humans. A ruminate is an animal like a cow or sheep that have four stomachs, the

    largest of which is the rumen, which is essentially a big fermentation vat that allow bacteria in the ruminating animals break down and digest cellulose which is the main ingredient of grass and hay. A non-rumen or non-ruminating animal is unable to digest grass and hay.

  6. Non-Ruminants are animals which cant ferment their food with the help of microbs before digestion in their body.

  7. non-ruminant

    ruminants are animals that have a rumen, which basically serves as a fermentation vat.  The animal eats, chews, swallows, the food goes into the rumen, begins to degrade, and then the animal burps it back up, chews again, and then swallows.  

    Cows, for example, have a stomach with 4 compartments.  Rumen, reticulum, abomassum, and omassum. The omassum is the most like the human stomach.  

    Examples of ruminants are deer, cattle, bison, goats.

    Non-ruminants are also referred to as monogastrics, meaning that they have 1 compartment for a stomach.  Pigs and humans are monogastric.
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