
What in the World is this?

by  |  earlier

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Hi......I'm 10 dpo and yesturday i noticed some yellowish discharge...then later along with it came a very very very strechy discharge...i've never ever seen that before, it could strech like 3 inches...and i know 100% that is not ovulation because i already had the strechty stuff 10 days ago and my period is due sept 5....and also i'm always very regular....what could it be? could i be pregnant? i mean i did feel kind of wierd lately...unusual stuff is happening to me...not a lot but its there....anyways...sorry for tmi but i just really need to know...i'm freaking out here. thank you guys sooooooo much already in advance.




  1. don't really know what this could be although some women get discharge as an early symptom of pregnancy, if you have had unprotected s*x then yes you could be, do a test and see. good luck

  2. Hmmm

    Yellowish discharge could signal an infection of some sort..Does it itch down there or have "foul" smell??

    If it has stopped then I wouldn't be too worried but if it keeps up and you don't get your period take a test and then go and see a doctor just to make sure..

    Good Luck!

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