
What in the movie zeitgeist is true and what isn't? What about the NWO?

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is there any proof that says it is or is not true?




  1. The truth and proof of Zeitgeist can be found in no better place than the Vatican itself.

    The perversity that the Vatican led New World Order inflict upon the world occurs ever day the sun rises over the largest contiuously operating pagan temple to human sacrifice which is the Vatican in Rome.

    Built atop the most sacred temple to Cybele (known to the Romans as Magna Mater), a bloodthirsty goddess known as "Queen of Heaven" and Mother of God, to whom babies were slaughtered by satanic celibate priests who wore the same mitre hats as Catholic Bishops and to whom doves were sacred.


    The fact that the evidence is overwhelming throughout history as to the Pope being the head of Evil Inc., that it is the Jesuits and the Vatican who are behind the latest New World Order to one world state, it appears few choose to bear witness to what their eyes can see.

    Why is that? Is such evil too powerful? to able to pretend to be good?

  2. You should decide for yourself what you believe. Your asking the question shows you are a thinker and have not fallen prey to group-think mentality.

    Zeitgeist is designed to wake people up.  It does contain some errors and because of that, people often mistakenly dismiss the entire film.  The writers seem to hold the view that Christianity is merely an agent of social control.  They are entitled to hold and express it that view.  I don't share it.  There are many web sites that debunk Part One.  Do a Goole search for "Zeitgeist Christianity" to find them.  There are other of agents of social control that could have been used to lay the foundation for Parts Two and Three of Zeitgeist, but the film producers chose Christianity.  For that reason, I believe Zeitgeist may be a trojan horse, as I expressed in my answer here:-;...

    (I did receive some hate mail for my view about the hidden agenda of the film).

    Zeitgeist, like the film "Loose Change", can be credited for inspiring a great many people to start questioning 9/11.  In some ways, it is more of a hindrance then a help as to finding truth of 9/11 because of the errors.  People claiming those errors as fact are ridiculed, and that serves to discredit everyone seeking truth.  See this page for a critique of Loose Change written by members of the truth movement.  There may also be a critique of Zeitgeist's account of 9/11 at that site:

    As 9/11 and New World Order are connected, I will discuss New World Order first (of which North American Union is part).  I believe Zeitgeist could have done a better job at issuing the warning about New World Order, but it is definitely much, much better than nothing.  The film should have placed greater emphasis on informing viewers about the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and how those globalist organizations control foreign policy.  This page is a good start:

    Read from the CFR's own web site, and their publications, and connect the dots.  It won't take long to see that CFR stands for global government.  As the globalists get closer to their one-world government objective, they become more open about it.  You will also find reading at that site about their agenda for North American Union (part of the global government agenda).

    For a very well-written brief overview of CFR, see the answer of Iraqisax to this very recent question;...

    To get a sense of the true nature of the people behind the CFR, research globalist David Rockefeller (Honorary Chairman of the CFR and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission).  New World Order is not about some cabal of Satanists wanting to take over the world.  It is about elite corporate interests pressing for one-world government, and they are well on their way to achieving their goal.  Again, the media mentions very little about this because the corporate main stream media is owned by CFR members and people and companies that profit from globalization, war and the war on terror.

    There are so many crazy theories about new world order that people are overlooking what is happening today, right before their very eyes - the gradual implementation of global government and the dismantling of national sovereignty.  That is what Zeitgeist purports to warn you of but in the process of enhancing the film's entertainment value, I'm not sure that message comes through clearly.  Because of the limit on number of characters here, I cannot expand on this further.  See my answers to this question:;...

    On to 9/11:  9/11 was either a false flag, or it was exploited like a false flag.  If we are to believe the government's official lie that the air defense and intelligence failures were honest mistakes, then why were people at the top not held accountable for those mistakes?  If the government was a corporation, heads would have rolled and there would have been mass-firings, including the CEO. That did not happen after 9/11.  Rather, people responsible for the "mistakes" were promoted.  The first order of business should have been addressing the reason for the failures.  Instead, the government chose to start the gradual and on-going dismantling of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (starting with the Patriot Act and continuing to this day as evidenced by the FISA legislation passed earlier this week) and the gradual building of a "surveillance / police" state in America.  The Constitution and Bill of Rights are major impediments to the new world order agenda.  An excuse was needed to begin the dismantling process, and 9/11 provided the perfect excuse.

    There is a great deal of compelling evidence for government foreknowledge and complicity in 9/11.  Keep in mind that if the government was involved, it was not "the government". Rather, it was criminal elements inside the government and their associates outside the government.  The corporate main stream media protects the criminals by muzzling the 9/11 story and painting anyone questioning it as a radical moron.  Why?  The answer to that warrants its own question. See my answer to this question:;...

    9/11 kicked the new world order agenda into high gear.  For that reason, I believe it much more fruitful to focus 9/11 research on the "why" and "who benefited" rather than the "how was it done" theories.  We may never know how it was done because much of the evidence was destroyed; however, a clear picture is now emerging as to who benefits and why it was exploited.

    Instead of Zeitgeist, I highly recommend Mike Ruppert's film, "The Truth & Lies of 9/11".  Ruppert covers potential geopolitical motivations for 9/11, current and historical criminality in government (including the Bush family), and some of the evidence of foreknowledge and complicity in 9/11.

    or read his book, "Crossing the Rubicon".  The film was made a few years ago (and therefore doesn't cover new evidence  arising since) but remains very relevant today.  Great efforts have been made to silence Ruppert over the years including harassment, ridicule, marginalization, false charges, and even poisoning.  Amazingly, he is still breathing.  Why has Ruppert never been sued for libel for the film or the books?  In his words, "the truth is the perfect defense against libel."

    It is important to learn about the flaws of the 9/11 Commission and its investigation.  See Dr. Ray Griffin's film, "9/11 The Myth and the Reality"

    The Families of victims of 9/11 documented their frustrations with and disappointment in the 9/11 Commission in their film, "Press for Truth"

    I have an opinion about the Zeitgeist's take on the Federal Reserve and I keep that opinion to myself because, quite frankly, I wish to stay alive.

    If you follow up with your own research, be careful what you read.  There are staged government disinformation sites all over the web, designed to throw you off and to discredit the truth movement by putting forth ridiculous theories that are easily debunked (e.g. the "no planes theory" for 9/11).  There are paid government disinformation agents all over the internet, posing as regular users in forums such as this one.  Generally, if the people presenting a web site are not willing to be named (and you cannot verify that they are real people), I would recommend confirming what you read there from sites where owners do disclose who they are.  Some of my Yahoo Contacts had a discussion about that recently when one of them noticed what appears to be a 9/11 disinformation site. See:;...

    (For some reason, when I click the link above, Yahoo reports the question was deleted, but I can see it though my contacts' profiles.  It was about the site  You can find it using the advanced search for decided questions with the words "Is this 9-11 debunking web site a government web site").

    For further self-research, I suggest starting with the Mike Ruppert film first, then move on to learning about the CFR and its agenda for global government.  Until people wake up and realize that the both political parties have been hijacked by criminals and elite corporate interests, nothing will change for the better.  As long as people continue to believe the government's official lies about 9/11, people fail to realize that the war on terror, as advertised, is a fraud.  Yes there are terrorists that hate us, but they hate us because of our foreign policy and not because we are free and wealthy.  As long as people remain unnecessarily fearful of terrorism, they will continue to willingly give up civil liberties and go along with foreign policy that is aimed at implementing one-world government.  

    We are sleep-walking into tyranny.  That is the most important message to be received from the film Zeitgeist.

  3. I don't know about part 1.  I really wish they would have left that part out.  It is insulting to Christians... and it turns people away before they get to the good parts.

    Zeitgeist does fulfill it's purpose.  They do achieve what they set out to do!  Make people think.

    "Zeitgeist was created as a nonprofit filmiac expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are. The information in Zeitgeist was established over a year long period of research and the current Source page on this site lists the basic sources used / referenced and the Interactive Transcript includes exact source references and further information."


    The parts about 9/11 ..true.  The War Games (ABC News), the alleged hijackers being alive (BBC News), Condi and Rumsfield lying through their teeth (caught on camara).  The passport was found on ground zero (BBC News).  The lack of evidence linking Osama to the 9/11 attacks.  The FBI admits that.  The Pentagon parts is still up in the air.  No one knows.  And no one has enough information to go on as to what exactly hit the Pentagon.  The government is covering up something.  That's all I personally am sure of when it comes to the Pentagon.  

    All of the information about the Twin Towers is verifiable as far as the construction and what the engineers said about it.  The Pancake hypothesis IS impossible.  The Molten Metal is verifiable.  They presented witnesses and pictures in this video.  That's evidence.  There's also NASA imaging of the Molten Metal.  

    There are a lot of witnesses who describe explosions occuring in the sub-basement levels of the WTC.  In this documentary they show clips of these witnesses describing the explosions.. including William Rodriguez.. who was the last person out of the WTC...alive.  He has been photographed with President Bush.. he has been interviewed by mainstream media.  He is who he says he is.  I have no reason NOT to believe his testimony.  Hey if this was to make it to a court room wouldn't witness testimony be accepted there?  It's very compelling!

    We definitely have sufficient evidence to disbelieve the government's "Official Version".  

    Oh .. and the Federal Reserve is a Privately Owned and Corrupt Organization!  True.  Also you might enjoy watching "America: From Freedom to Fascism".

    Again I don't see anything inaccurate about this part either.  I'm watching it now.

    These 9/11 websites are a little more grounded than some of the others.   They're trying to find the truth without getting carried away with crazy "no plane" theories.

  4. The film is 100% a complete lie, complete farce, made up garbage.

    Zeitgeist is a film written, produced, directed, and editted by Peter Joseph (pseudonym for James Coyman). The film challenges some established institutions with a mixture of fact, fiction, and insinuation.

    The overarching thesis of Zeitgeist is the ultra-paranoid belief that every institution is lying to you and is out to get you. This includes the government, the church, lots of secret societies, the media, the rich, and even universities. Needless to say, such a belief system tends to embrace most conspiracy theories as 'proof' of those beliefs.

    There is no inclusion of contrary evidence or opinions. It is a completion immersion into the filmmakers point-of-view with no regard for any true scholarly exploration.

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