
What in the world does this dream mean?

by  |  earlier

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kay, i had a dream lastnight, and im asking what it means. this is how it went: me and my exex-bf were still together. weird? in my dream he was the most perfect guy ever. he held me close, he listened, he talked, and he had longer hair! LOL im a sucker for guys with long hair, thanks to my mom :) my dad has long hair.. and my ex-bf aaron had sum good hair goin' on too :D ANYWAYS LOL; i think this dream means i am the loneliest person of the face of this planet. and i think that my mind didn't really choose my exex-bf to be the one in my dream. i think he was just randomly selected, could have been anybody. well.. now that i think about it, my last few dreams have been abouting dating random fellows i know very closely. except for aaron.. weird, eh? uhhh?? what does it mean?




  1. You like guys with long hair or you need to lay off the booze before bed! LOL

  2. dreams are just random memories mashed together, if your thinking about your Ex a lot lately or thinking of being lonely, of course your going to dream about dating or your ex, cause its been on your MIND. Thats all there is to it, means nothing else.

  3. You need to get laid.

  4. Yeah...erm dreams dont mean anything.

    Soz! =)

  5. Go to and look it up in the dream dictionary. This ALWAYS helps me.

  6. I'm not positive on this but it could be a few things depending on what you believe i guess. 1. Some people believe that when you dream about an ex it is because that person is thinking a lot about you and somehow sending you telepathic messages. 2. It could be that you have unresolved issues with said person. or 3. That you may be going through some of the same issues that you had with your ex at this point in your life. maybe with your new "bf" or in some other area. These are only a few things it could be.

  7. Everyone wants what they can't have. This dream obviously means you are ofcourse lonely but it means you see your ex-bf now and want him back deep down. Sometimes you forget about all their flaws and see them as perfect. Maybe your dream was trying to tell you he is perfect. Or it could mean you were thinking about him before you went to sleep and that's why he was presented as the perfect guy.

    Luv, JD☼

  8. it means your ready for a new relationship

  9. Most dreams are usually a veiled disguise of what it is you are truly wishing or maybe worried about.  Try to find out what it is that you may be hiding or desiring that is being displayed in your dream, and there you will have your answer.

  10. Probably nothing, maybe you were dreaming about the way you wish things would have turned out.  

  11. it means you were asleep

  12. it means you need a good partner and sure deserve one. x

  13. It's really hard to tell what our subconscious mind is up to and I am hesitant to just give you my interpretation. I would, however, recommend what's called dream work. This is simply putting your pen to paper and writing whatever comes to your mind, regardless of how goofy it is or how much sense it makes, or even if it is grammatically correct. I've done this before and some of the things I have written aren't even complete sentences, they're just completely nonsensical phrases. I think the hardest part is just getting started and then making yourself keep writing - you can't lift your pen from the paper or pause to think about what you want to say. I've been at a loss for words but since you're not supposed to stop I've just written stuff like, "ok, I'm not supposed to stop and I don't know what else to write so blah blah blah..." and then my mind picks up again and I can continue. If you just keep writing your mind will eventually focus or whatever you want to call it and it will just sort of take over and you will just start writing what the dream is about. For example, "I had this dream and it was really weird and I don't know what it's about but I think maybe......" Some questions you might ponder - what are your feelings toward this exex-bf and the other guys that have been in your dreams that you know very closely. What are your feelings toward Aaron, that sort of thing. I believe this will work for you. It will most likely seem weird and awkward at first but keep at it and I think it will come to you.

    Good luck.

  14. i know thats weird but it probably means hes the right one for you hes meant to be with you then if you don't agree then you're beautiful and itteligent in you're own way and you don't need a man to complete you.

  15. hi

  16. Well, I have been having dreams about celebrities lately, and that I could fly. I don't really think these dreams mean anything. (Unless, suddenly I sprout wings. Than I will come back and tell you.)


  17. It sounds like you figured it out yourself. You're lonely, and you had a dream about having the perfect boyfriend. You said that your mind didn't really choose your ex-bf, and you knew it was just supposed to represent someone that was perfect for you. Its a pretty standard dream: you want a gorgeous boyfriend who will spend lots of time listening to what you have to say because you're lonely.

    PS; You're not pathetically lonely; your dreams have a way of blowing subconscious emotions out of proportion. I think the point of the dream is your emotions saying "I want someone to listen and understand me!" and maybe a little of your body chiming in with "I want a mate!" I think you already know that you want to look for a boyfriend, or at least that you wouldn't let a good guy slip out of your grip.

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