
What in the world happened yesterday? Really scary :(?

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Last night I went to sleep but something really scary happened and I don't know what it could be... I'm thinking being demoniacally possessed or sleep problem. Here is what happened: P.S. I am not lying!

I woke up in the middle of the night at exactly 3 a.m. (and as many know it's the "bad hour" where bad stuff happens) Well not sure if it is exactly true but I always look at my alarm clock when i wake up. So I was laying there going to fall back asleep then all of a sudden the bed started shaking up and down. I tried to get up but I couldn't at all I could see my room as if I was awake but it was dark in there. I tried to look out my room because my dad is always up but I could not even move my head. I tried screaming, nothing came out. I tried so hard to move but it felt like I was being forced onto the bed and when it did it hurt. Now when I tried to relax it felt like I was going to die so I had to stay awake and when I prayed for God to help me it went away... I got up no one was up I was all sweaty so I went back to bed after about 15 minutes... This happened 3 times until finally I just went and slept with my mom and dad... Can anyone PLEASE explain this? My parents say I am making stuff up but no one believes me :( thanks




  1. I don't know about your bed but the thing with your paralyasis is that it can be common thing.  Sometimes when you wake up in the middle of the night, your brain wakes up (making you conscious) but your body is still asleep not allowing you to move.  I believe it's called sleep paralisis.  

  2. I think that there is demonic spirits in your home. As such you need to pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God like you would a normal person asking him for his protection. Then if the same thing happens to you again where the bed vibrates or if any other starnge thing occurs you need to command those spirits to leave your home in the name of Jesus Christ.By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. If you are still having a problem ask a pastor to bless your home, to pray for the safety of you and your family and for his advice on the situation.

  3. I've had similar experiences, but almost all can be explained.

    For one; I remember sleeping on the couch one summer night when I was awoke by somebody or something grabbing and pulling at my feet. Not only did I feel that on my feet, but I felt this intense presence in the room with me.

    I tried to scream but was not able to, I tried to move, but couldn't. I tried to look down at my feet but all I could do was look at the opposite end of the room. Eventually I closed my eyes and prayed until I fell back asleep.

    Later, I learned that the body releases chemicals that actually paralyze itself for sleep. That's why the majority of us do not sleep walk.

    Sometimes we wake while still under the effect of this chemical, then add to that the deep fear and dread while still "technically" asleep... Our minds go crazy...

    While asleep, I once told my wife to look at a fish that was smiling at me. I can still remember that vision quite vividly. Picture a goldfish with teeth...

    Anyways, I am not saying this is definitely what is happening, but the next time this happens, try to keep a level head. Remind yourself of this little fact about the body and also that any believer in Christ will be protected from any and all.

  4. Cheese dreams.

    No more pizza for you before bedtime.

  5. This happens to me a lot. It's called sleep paralysis. When you sleep your body goes in to paralysis. This way you don't flop around and hurt yourself. When you wake up too soon you can't move, or talk. It takes time for it to weir off. I get the felling too that if I try to relax I will die. I learned to just think about moving one finger, instead of trying to jump out of bed. Once it moves, it fills like a sheet was pulled off of me and I can now move. The shaking could be a reaction you body is getting from waking up too fast. Talk to your parents and tell them what happened. You might have some other problem going on. This way you can get checked out to make sure. You could have sleep apnea. Look it up on line. knowing about the things might help you. Tell your parents to look up the stuff too. This way they know your not making stuff up.

  6. welll

    that sounds a little intense

    but something similar happened to me too

    but not as bad

    like i felt like a couldnt move or anything and i couldnt breath

    it was like my body was paralyzed

    but sry i have no clue what happened

  7. It's called a Night Terror.  Also known as sleep terror or pavor nocturnus, is a parasomnia sleep disorder characterized by extreme terror and a temporary inability to regain full consciousness and movement. Night terrors happen during deep sleep.

    The person wakes abruptly from the fourth stage of sleep, with waking usually accompanied by gasping, moaning, or screaming. It is often impossible to fully awaken the person, and after the episode the person often normally settles back to sleep without waking.

    So - give your doctor a call and see if he can recommend a sleep disorder specialist.  Or call the hospital that is connected to your local or state university.  

  8. Yes it sounds just like a Night Terror or Sleep Paralysis. I suffer from SP from time to time, its not a paranormal thing, its just your brain, still in REM mode while your half awake. Just relax, breath slowly and count backward from 10, once you hit 1, try to move. Keep doing it until you move. You'll be okay, just remember to relax.

  9. well 3 a.m. is not bad hour is called dead time. it's when spirits are supposedly most powerful. if you belong to a church then i would get the priest to bless your house or give you holy water to sprinkle around the house especially your bed. since it happened more then once then you shouldn't ignore it. pray on  a regular basis and God bless you

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