
What in the world is "zelecokma"???

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Somebody on here mentioned seeing it on tv today. I google/dogpiled it and couldn't find anything that made any sense. So what was on tv about it????




  1. zelecokma, i have checked every combination and their is no word that even looks like coming close to it, possibly a word made up by some croup or person to describe a condition. but not recognized by any Dictionary, Medical or other wise.

  2. This is just a case of a misspelled word.  I saw it on the Discovery Channel yesterday and it is a medical term for someone who is in a coma.  Not only can they think but they can hear others talking as well.

        For me to hear voices of loved ones or any ones voice and not be able to answer anyone back would be terrifying for me.

  3. This is probably a real stretch of a possibly spelling of the word "zelecokma" but "fascinoma" is a medical slang for "an unusual or interesting case or diagnosis. " (wiktionary)

    I also found the term used in the following article when used to describe the phenomena related to out-of-body experiences (memories and such when a person is supposedly brain dead)

  4. denie, i cannt believe we have the same

    as for the word ive never heard of it, just as well because it doesnt seem to exist lol

  5. Looks like one of those made up words.  Is that pronounced sell-coke-ma.  Spelled wrong maybe!

  6. I posted that. Yeah I was watching the Discovery Channel today and they werre talking about people in comas who are unconcious, but can still think. Kinda like a spirit, but not yet dead. They called it ZELECOKMA.. Spelling error I'm sure. It was on that show A REAL AWAKENING.

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