
What in the world is this bug? ?

by  |  earlier

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i work at the bronx zoo and we have all been "lucky" enough to encounter it. it also has 2 long antaenas which are not clear in the photo. the bug is at least 6 inches long. here is a link to the picture.(sorry couldnt figure out how to add it to this thread)




  1. It is definitely a katydid.  They are generally larger than crickets and grasshoppers and typically have long thread-like antennae.

    I have no idea of which particular species this is, but it's a place to start your search.  Good luck!

  2. It clearly belongs to the order orthoptera.  but the picture is not clear enough for me to identify. Take a look at the second row of pictures and see if this is a cricket.  You can get more information by clicking on the picture.

  3. looks like a spider, having what looks like only 2 parts, perhaps the antennas are an extra set of legs.  i know some species do this to act like other bugs.    

  4. totally is some kind of katydid

    try this pic to see if it's close

    katydids are a nuisance with a strong appetite, but serve no threat (being non-poisonous, non-venomous herbivores)

  5. Well, I'd have to say it's some sort of cricket, It has the right abdomen structure only the back legs are right down the bottom, can't say I've ever seen that on a cricket before also it's pretty big, I dunno what to tell you...mutated cricket/spider perhaps? :P hope this helps.

  6. I couldn't see the details well, but it looks like part of the cricket or grasshopper family.  You mentioned antennas?  That rules out spiders altogether

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