
What in the world was John Mccain thinking when he picked Sarah Palin ?

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I'm not giving him my vote now. What happens if he dies? I do NOT want Sarah Palin to run my country.




  1. Consider this:

    The thing we need most is to get our economy moving again. The Alaskan economy was dragging two years ago, and then Sarah Palin became Governer. She instituted reform, and in LESS THAN TWO YEARS she's reformed the Alaskan economy. She's brought about a whole heck of a lot of change to Alaska in two years than Obama has brought to Illinois, I can tell you that.

    If anything, I think Palin would be BETTER than McCain AND Obama! She knows economy (she's proved it with her home state) and she knows foreign policy. Wikipedia her, you'll see her in Germany and Istanbul.

  2. He was thinking GENIUSLY! He didnt Pick Romney! THANK GOD!

    PALIN is amazing! he picked a woman who a lot of the hillary supporters love now because obama betrayed hillary and she likes hillary! it was a brilliant move and i am so happy!

    he took all the attention away from obamas speecH!

  3. He only picked her to appeal to the Hillary Voters. As a women I find that to be so disrespectful, for McCain to think that women want a woman in office that bad that we would vote for any women.....Hillary supporters did not just want a women in office they wanted that women....she is no Hillary!!!!!

  4. I agree she was an awful choice.

    Absolutely not ready by any means.

    She has no experience in world politics. She is a right winged evangelical nut.

    She is a member of Dominions church. The Dominionist's have a tendency among some conservative politically-active Christians, especially in the United States of America, to seek influence or control over secular civil government through political action — aiming either at a nation governed by Christians, or a nation governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law. The use and application of this terminology is a matter of controversy.

    She is so pro life that she wants to criminalize abortion, and even opposes most methods of birth control.

    She is a woman that believes the government has the right to tell us what to do with our bodies. I'm very scared that there is a chance that if McCain were elected and something happened to him she would be the President. It is literally keeping me up at night.

    She is also under investigation for Abuse of Power in Alaska. She had a member of her cabinet fired bc of wanting to out her ex brother in law from the State Troopers. Sooo trashy.

    She was quoted on MSNBC saying, "What does a VP do?"

    She's just not right for America.

    Please before you vote be sure that you are informed.

  5. I'm trying to figure out McCain's strategy at this point.........why the positive ads today about Obama.......there is going to be some connection as to her experience and Obama's experience.....which pretty much lands on the same road when you look at the big picture.......however.......people are going to vote based on fact and truth......what party has actually been truthful up to this point......and what truth will be on the minds of voters on election day.

  6. Have you not heard him that past 8 years? John McCain has said often and loudly that he wants to change the status of politics and Washington. This is a younger person on the outside of Washington.

    As Governor of Alaska She borders Canada and goes shoreline to shoreline Russia. Executive of a large state with major reform since her taking office.

    Her energy experience on the Alaska Energy Commission and friends / family  in the oil business addresses our greatess need within the next few years. I am tired of people in Washington telling us what cannot be done, I want something different.

  7. I supported McCain but I am very disappointed and this makes me question Senator McCain and his family values.

    Sarah Palin has a 4-month old baby with down syndrome. A baby, especially in the first year, needs the love and attention of both the mother and father. I am a mother and I can tell you that deep and important bonds are formed by a mother and infant, especially when you hold a baby 10-15 times a day for feedings. This is really important to a baby's development. I would never put my career -- no matter the title or money that was offered to me -- if that meant I couldn't devote myself to my child, especially in his first year.  

  8. McCain was thinking that if people supported Hillary because she is a female then it follows that Sarah would snag some of those supporters. If that happens it is ridiculous, Hillary and Sarah have very little in common beyond their gender.  I cant imagine Sarah in a position to become president within the likely limits of John McCains elderly ticking heartbeat.  Hello world, meet our president Ms. Sarah, how embarrassing!

  9. Even if I didn't agree with most of her stances, I would still say it was a very smart political move. She is smart, strong in her beliefs, and I believe she would work for Americans instead of for herself to make a name for herself. I believe her lack of experience gives her an advantage to lead indiscrimately since she has not been bought out by lobbyist, and the fact she could stand up to the oil company and members of her own party is plausible. Just as Obama appeals to the black voters who have never voted before since they could not relate to anyone, she is going to bring alot of female voters who could not relate to any of the other canidates. Smart decision if you ask me, and BTW, you did.

  10. Before you dismiss that Commander of the Alaska National Guard stuff. This came from a reader who plays the game and it jibes with my knowledge.

    Alaska is the first line of defense in our missile interceptor defense system.  The 49th Missile Defense Battalion of the Alaska National Guard is the unit that protects the entire nation from ballistic missile attacks.  It’s on permanent active duty, unlike other Guard units.

    As governor of Alaska, Palin is briefed on highly classified military issues, homeland security, and counterterrorism.  Her exposure to classified material may rival even Biden's.

    She's also the commander in chief of the Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF), a federally recognized militia incorporated into Homeland Security's counterterrorism plans.

    Palin is privy to military and intelligence secrets that are vital to the entire country's defense.  Given Alaska's proximity to Russia, she may have security clearances we don't even know about.

  11. It's soooo obvious (and BRILLIANT!!)  Hilarey Clinton's supporters tended to be middle-class white women.......McCain's choice as Sarah Palin is to win that group....Palin herself is a mother of 5 and is appealing to the "family mom" group--they can relate to her.  This group is like an untapped gold mine---whoever can win this group wins the election.......AND....she is also has VERY strong SOCIAL conservative views.  Social Conservatives were not very happy with the fact that McCain seemed to not really "prioritize" social ya.......Im also gonna make a wild guess and say IF McCain wins.....Romney is gonna be somewhere in his cabinet.......

  12. He was thinking that Palin will be a good distraction for the media and the public from the economy and Obama, she'll also appeal to the conservative elements of the Republican parties, and if he can get a few Hillary democrats to boot, hey why not.

    Well the media and the public fell for it. We're talking about Palin and not the issues or how the candidates proposes to fix our country.

    And, it sounds like McCain's ploy is to distract the conservatives of the party with single issues - abortion and guns.

    And, of course, McCain thinks that the Hillary voters will be blinded by anger and not see that Palin is the opposite of Hillary.

    McCain should have done a better job of vetting Palin.  Did he even know that Palin is a hypocrite on the "bridge to nowhere" issue, is under investigation for firing someone for political motives. Now it turns out Palin's daughter is a baby mama (remember the Republican attack dogs calling Michelle Obama a baby mama).

    What was he thinking? Simple, distract the public, and let's keep things the same.

  13. Palin is an idiot. If McCain dies, she can NOT, I repeat, CAN NOT be president. She has 8 years experience yada, ya in Alaska, where the population is smaller than most major cities! Get real. And if you have a v****a, you better be on the look out for her. That endangered-wolf-huntin'-anti- woman-anti-g*y-creationism-in-public-sch... is a tool and will NOT crack through the Hillary's ceiling. Not to mention she's under investigation for abuse of power! She needs to go back to Alaska and continue being a soccer mom because McCain's gonna face some serious backlash for this. You just wait. His own party openly doubts him and this is NO better.

  14. I would think it was just another desperate attempt by McCain to try and pull in some of the disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters. Even though Clinton is not on the ballot, she is still more influential and popular than Palin is. Most of the female Clinton supporters are more likely to support Obama or not vote at all, than to vote for a McCain Palin ticket.  

  15. She is a BULLDOG & Took on Republican Corrupton in Her Own State to beat the Incumbent -- and is the ONLY Governor to visit and assess ANWAR - to make a sound decision.

    The McCain Campaign KNOWS What They are doing.

    Could it backfire - SURE !!

    But, their Other Option was to "Play it Safe" - but that they figure that Strategy, may not be enough.

    Obama is for "Change" - YET !! -- he picks a Self-Confessed Extreme Liberal, who has been playing Washington Politics since 1973 --

    Is That Change ????

    Don't worry about the Polls - They will go Up & Down.

    Just Wait for the Final Count.

    But, this decision was VERY WELL THOUGHT OUT - and Even the Democrats on Caught Off-Guard.

    Her Speech on Friday is said to have Stole the "Thunder" of Obama's Speech on Thursday.

    This Strategy is Genius - You just have to hang in there to see WHY.

    Though she Has only been Governor, since 2006 - She has MORE Executive Experience than Obama has in 4 years

  16. This just proves that McCain put himself first before his country:

    It is more important for him to win a presidency, even if he dies in his first year in office and leaves a neophyte intern as VP to replace him if his heart stops beating.  McCain is not in good health, has had cancer at least twice, still has a parotid tumor (tumor in a gland in one of his cheeks), is old, and he picks a beauty queen to distract him from his presidential duties.  McCain has proven to be reckless and exercised poor jjudgment  

    Americans are too smart and will see through this.  

    McCain basically handed this election to Obama/Biden on a silver platter.

  17. In picking Sarah Palin to be his running mate, John McCain showed wisdom, foresight, and prescience, not to mention courage and valor of the highest degree. As a moderate male Republican who has been urging the GOP to broaden its base and appeal to more diverse constituencies, it was so refreshing to see McCain pick Sarah Palin as his running mate. I just wish I could vote for her for President instead of Vice-President.

    Sarah Palin is MORE than qualified to run this country. Besides, who are we kidding here? A President does not make decisions in a vacuum. He/She makes them carefully, after consulting people he/she trusts, such as policy experts, advisers, staff, Cabinet secretaries, party leaders, etc., etc. All this garbage about "being ready on Day One" is just that...garbage. It's a bogus argument that didn't work for Hillary against Obama during the primary, and it won't work for Democrats now in the general election.

    There's no officially sanctioned "training program" to become qualified to run for Vice President. Each voter must decide in his/her own mind who he/she feels comfortable with and believes is qualified. I - for one - will have no trouble whatsoever going to sleep at night with President McCain at the helm and Vice President Palin at his side ready to step in and assume the role if necessary.

    It feels great to be a guy living in the 21st century and be able to say this...."A woman's place is in the White House."  Sarah Palin ROCKS!  

  18. You know what you are absolutely right!  72 years old is pretty old and we all know that the presidency can be very stressful.  What if he has a heart attack or something?!?!?!  I sure as h**l don't want Sarah Palin as the President of the United States.  The VP must also be qualified for President as well just in the event that something should happen to the President.  She is obviously NOT qualified for the Presidency.  McCain + Palin = Dangerous combination!

  19. At this point I think he is just trying to gain more votes.  He picked Palin so he can get the support of Clintons woman voters.  Which to me is a complete smack in the face to those people.. that he can think they would be so stupid to just switch over to his votes just because he picked a woman as his vp. Not at all smart especially looking at Palins background and her life now, she has a down syndrome child and her 17 year old daughter is pregnant.  I would never accept a VP position if my family was in that situation.  If she cant care for her family in that time of need how is she going to be the next vice president or even president??

  20. I was never a mccain supporter but the idea of sarah palin running the US of A is even more frightening.

    There's all this hype about her having executive experience, but who cares! She the governor of ALASKA! That has like 600,000 people - less than the population of San Francisco! Before that she was a mayor of a town of a staggering 7,000 citizens.

    She has no experience with foreign affairs whatsoever.

    And since she is living in alaska, im sure she's really out of touch from the working class citizens in rest of the country. I just feel the major issues in Alaska are much less controversial and difficult than those plaguing the US or even California.

    Personally I think legislative experience is better than executive experience because you understand how Washington works. You see how bills are passed, and your decision affects the entire country rather than one isolated state.

  21. Anyone, Democrat or Republican, who thinks that Governor Palin was chosen "simply" because she's a woman deserves to have their butts handed to them, as Senator Biden will in the VP debate.

    Gov. Palin has a history of attacking establishment figures head-on, and defeating them. The best place outside of D.C. in which to do this is Alaska, where politics have become more calcified than almost anywhere else in the country. Her political resume includes sweeping out both a mayor and a governor in serious reform bids each time. If John McCain's only message this year was "reform in Washington", then Palin would be the perfect running mate.

    As far as shoring up his evangelical base, as many have noted that McCain needs to do, Palin is also an excellent choice. She's a credible pro-life and pro-family feminist, who was given the choice to terminate her last pregnancy when it was discovered that her son would be born with Down Syndrome. Although 9/10's of women elect to have an abortion in those cases, Palin kept her child, which has been an inspiration to women and families across the country.

    As far as her symbolic appeal goes, she represents far more than just women in the GOP. She, as well as Governor Jindal of Louisiana and even Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota, represents a new breed of Republican in this country. They are the next generation, free of any taint from Washington and especially President Bush. They remind us that "the future" doesn't just belong to the Democrats, but to all Americans.

  22. While I do believe you do make more decisions being a Governor than a Senator, being a Senator makes you far more prepared to run Washington than governing a small Alaskan town. Watch over the next 2 months as Republicans completely diminish a Senator's role in the government, and even grossy exaggerate how UNimportant a Senator is (when they are really the final voters of every bill passed in Congress)

    What this pick means long term has completely changed the future of the country more than anyone can see right now. If John McCain wins the 2008 election, we will with almost 100% certainty have a woman president in 2012. If Barack Obama wins the 2008 election, Democrats will run the country for at least 12 years, all served by Obama. This world will be at a war far bigger and more destructive than WWII by 2020 and Obama being young will surely be President for 3 terms.

  23. why exactly don't you like Sarah Palin?

    you never gave a reason. i think that's needed.

    but anyways...

    i live in Alaska and Sarah Palin is excellent.

    she actually cares about people and wants what's best.

    in my opinion, i think either choice would be great for president.

    i'm not necessarily saying i won't vote for Obama, in fact, that's probably who i will vote for.

    but if Mccain died and Sarah Palin had to take over, i definately wouldn't have a problem with it.

    you never really said what you don't like about it because she's a woman? or something else?

    i think maybe you should research her a little bit and discover what a great person she is.

    but it's your opinion and everyone has a right to that.

  24. It seems to me it was a desperation move.  McCain probably wanted Joe Lieberman, knew it'd turn the convention floor into a political bloodbath.  Karl Rove pushed hard against this choice, even calling Lieberman and telling him to withdraw his name from consideration and Lieberman refused.  Something probably happened behind the scenes that made John McCain explode with rage against everyone and pick Sarah Palin as a last resort to try to make a cynical grab for women's votes, especially disaffected Hillary supporters.   He did this without regard to the fact that Palin and Clinton are exact opposites in their views -- Sarah Palin makes a mockery of everything and every issue Hillary Clinton stands for -- and this will be very clear to voters.  McCain seems to believe women will vote with their lady parts and not with their brains, quite frankly, and it really speaks to his insulting view of women, in my opinion of course.

    I think a lot of people turned him down after seeing Obama's convention speech and the public's glowing reaction to it, knowing they'd be joining a sinking boat, essentially.

    Regarding Palin, she's such an unknown, such a blank slate, that every single person on cable news barely knew how to pronounce her name at first.  Fifteen or twenty minutes later, you started to see surrogates for McCain on the shows, trying to define her as a "maverick reformer", repeating the terms over and over so the public would believe it to be true.  Defining her for the masses.

    McCain's camp even went so far as to claim she was the "Commander in Chief of Alaska's National Guard" and the Alaskan National Guard came out publicly to say that she had absolutely nothing to do with their operations.  They are trying to inflate her credentials, unsuccessfully.

    Now, it seems many liberal bloggers and even just regular people are Googling Sarah Palin and finding out that she was in an Alaska secessionist party, she has a scandal in Alaska in which she's being investigated, she left Wasilla, AK (population 8000) with $20 million in debt as mayor, and she even talked of censoring library books and has ties with Dominionists according to a blogger on Daily Kos.  

    There's even a video on Youtube in which you hear Sarah Palin laughing with shock jocks as they denigrate her Republican colleague by calling her a "b****", a cancer (she is actually a cancer survivor!) and insinuating that she has a large derriere.  At the end of the call, she actually tells them "God bless."  There's tons of stuff coming out about her now so despite what McCain's campaign says, it seems she really wasn't vetted at all.  Even her Alaskan colleagues are stunned and wonder why McCain would have chosen her to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

    As far as her qualifications, she actually thinks the Pledge of Allegiance was written by the founding fathers -- it was actually written in 1892! -- and doesn't know that "Under God" was added in the 1950s.

    This is something grade school kids learn and I'm alarmed that someone with a minor in politics (majored in communications and journalism) does not know this elementary fact.

    Another thing to chew on:  McCain only met Palin ONCE before calling her to be his VP running mate.  Who on earth does this?  To me, it shows extremely poor judgment and dangerous impulsiveness.  I wouldn't trust someone I met once to catsit for me, let alone entrust our nation to them.

  25. She's a great debater, has a ton of popularity (85% approval rating), is pretty conservative & All about family values (mother of 5).  Did I mention she's a 2nd amendment supporter?

    She's also pro-drilling in her home state to alleviate our nations dependence on foreign countries until we can have clean & renewable energy.

    Not to mention she has more experience than Obama ... but so does 99% of Washington.

  26. McCain and his advisors are ignorant in their belief that women will just vote for women, rather than choosing the best candidate to help run the country. Palin is clearly NOT qualified. She lacks both the education and experience. A council person, Mayor of a city of 9,000, and Gov of the smallest populated state in the Union for less than two years. McCain is 72 years of age and this county can not risk Palin's act as Commander in Cheif. Geena Davis, as member of Mensa would be more qualified. As an ex-Republican turned Independent - this has made my vote for Obama much easier.

  27. I had planned to vote for Ralph Nader, and if the Nader voters gave the office to the republicans again, so be it. With this far right wing, anti-individual rights, anti-environmental nut job on the McCain ticket, though, I HAVE to vote for Obama. He scares me, but not nearly as much as that lunatic of a woman does!  

  28. I think he made a great choice. the fact that most of the braindead actors and musicians in Cali. have convinced kids to vote for Obama,just shows how many gullable people are out there.Oprah,give me a break,stay on the couch and help others like you normally do,don`t bring politics in to your show.

    I think Sarah is a very good strategic move on Mccain`s part.Sarah is smart,slightly conservative,pro-union,she is a real person,mom,has an 80% approval rate. bullied the oil companies with windfall taxes and turned around and gave $1200 to every family in Alaska,sold the jet given to her as governor on ebay because she thought it was a waste of money...just to name a few and that is only what I found out today.

    did I mention she is gorgeous!!

    yes she doesn`t have all that much experience but niether does a guy who wants to be the next president.You Obama supporters don`t have aleg to stand on about the inexperience,Obama could be president and he has 173 days experience-think about it!! Palin has 16 yrs. look it up.

    you can tell from looking at her she is a family person and is down to earth and will work, unlike the dems, to help the middle class,not tax the **** out of us then disburse the money to others who are looking for the government to bail them out.

    they have my vote-

    another thing is people in office also have thier advisors,who for the most part make all the decisions,it is the ones who hold the seat that meet up and present the solutions-the little people do all the work and never get credit.when and if Palin meets with foreighn leaders you know she will already know more than enough info on them before she sits down.

  29. He must be a senile idiot or it was a total desperation move!  The VP is supposed to lead foreign policy.  This woman has ZERO experience in foreign policy and is barely fit to be a congresswoman.  She is a former beauty pageant queen and got her degree from the University of Idaho. Whoopee!  Why don't we just get Miss Teen South Caroline for VP?  Wake up McCain Palin is Not HILARY!!!

  30. He picked her to get ahead in the polls. Sarah Palin is an attractive woman, which will no doubt win over a lot of HillaryClinton'ss supporters and other woman. She is proud to admit that she is a normal "hockey mom", once again hooks the votes from average moms. She is also a wonderful governor of, my state, Alaska. It is obvious she does her job well being that she has over an 80% approval of Alaskans, which is almost impossible when it comes to politics. Most people from the lower 48 don't realize who she is and only look at a woman with very little experience in politics. Sarah Palin has done a lot for Alaska and fights for her beliefs and never puts the people of Alaska on the back burner. If he was to die, I would undoubtedly trust her to run the country as the first female president of the United States.

  31. I think that it was a little selfish of him, since he only chose her to take the limelight off of Obama. He tried to even the playing field. Voters were so excited about making history...he made it so that history is being made either way. His choice had nothing to do with her credentials and what she can do for the country.

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