
What in this world always puts a smile on your face?

by  |  earlier

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What then, can take that smile away?




  1. Picking someone up at the airport.  Doesn't matter who it is, family or friend, for some reason is always cheerful.

  2. The rain.

    The state of our planet and ignorance of its people.

  3. random acts of kindness puts a smile on my face no matter how small that act is

    when people judge other people before they know them takes it away, not saying that I myself dont do this, but hey who doesn't, it is the people who don t even give the person they are judging a chance before saying they hate/dislike them.

  4. Everyone smiles when some sings Happy Birthday to them.  It's true!  And for something that can take my smile away is when I love something but someone says something to make it sound dumb and then I feel dumb.  If that makes any sense.

  5. What makes me smile, is somebody who actually listens to me, likes me, and doesn't judge me. At the end of the day, i have a smile on my face :)

    What makes the smile go away?

    People who, simply just let me down. :(

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