
What in your mind will end this petty political bickering?

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Ive been on here about a week already and i find it to be a fascinating forum to discuss ideas and educate myself on many issues. However i cannot ever recall a time when i have seen so much name calling and ranting and raving by both sides of the "political" spectrum. There was a time in this country when both DEMs and REPs could put aside their innate differences and work together in the best interest of Americans and the USA. Dont you think its time we all started doing the same?




  1. Clinton did it LOL!

    Seriously people are like little cheerleaders fighting over which team is the best.

  2. They had to do it face to face. It's easy to rant and call someone names on a keyboard.

  3. If you think it's bad here, just check out what's going on on the 360s! I hate to say this, but I'm seriously tempted to give up on the Politics section altogether. I've got people on both sides pulling me to and fro, and it's not pleasant!

  4. Get used to it. As long as there are politics there will be bickering. And as far as your last question, when was that? Dems and reps used to assassinate each other.

  5. I agree, I am sick of all the partisan bickering and gridlock.  That's one reason I won't vote for Hillary, I think it will just continue or get worse if she wins.  I like canidates on both sides and I think there are a lot of good choices.  It will be hard though, it's been going on since Newt Ginrich started in on Bill Clinton and it seems to get worse all the time.

  6. JB, what are you thinking! Reagan didn't compromise. He harnessed the energy of an incredible mandate (49 state victory) and channeled the hopes and dreams with a cheerful bully pulpit. He educated citizens to DEMAND tax cuts from their congressman. This isn't compromise, it's arm-twisting. He did an end run around a left-dominated congress and media that has never been duplicated.He brought hope to a  nation made cynical by Viet Nam, Watergate, and Jimmy Carter's hostage crisis and economic "stagflation."

    Compromise, my right nut.  Reagan was the best kind of partisan--optimistic, focused and unflinching.

  7. Nothing short a terrorist attack killing hundreds of thousands or another depression. I hate  rightwingers with every fiber in my body.

  8. when neo cons wake up and smell the stench from their polluted air

  9. One of the major parties is going to have to nominate more of a consensus candidate that doesn't deliberately step on toes for the sake of it.

    If 2008 sees Hillary face of Giuliani, no matter which one wins, we will be doomed to at least another 4 years of this illogical hatred and blinding resentment

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