
What in your opinion is the best rodent to have as a pet....and why?

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Any others.....??? and if any of the above is not classified as a rodent feel free to correct me!




  1. Well I think fErrets are the best in the world but they are NOT rodents so....

    rats.  i hate them but i hear wonderful things about them as pets.  maybe if i didnt think they were so ugly id like them but i hear they are smart and compassionate.

    (ferrets are not even related to rodents.  they eat meat and theyd eat a mouse of they saw one.  yeah they chew like rodents but so do dogs)

  2. Rabbits are not rodents they are lagamorphs.

  3. ferrets and rabbits arent rodents, but i love rabbits!

  4. RATS

    i used to have a pet rat names kurt he was an albino

    and he was the sweetest thing ever!

    he was super smart and loved to cuddle i would just take him and and put him on my bed or on my stomach and read a book while he licked my book lol

    i also had a hampster ball he liked to rollaround in and we ate food together i could share my appples and peanut butter with him and carrots or i could share my mac and cheese with him lol

    he was such a good freind

    *R.I.P* kurt

    most people think they are ugly but he was soo cute

    and i you get a rat get a boy the female rats are really prone to tumors

    he was my elementry and middle school freind for 6 years

    i miss you!

    chinchillas are too fragile and are nocturnal

    farretts are crazy hyper and are so fun!

    hamsters are soft but boring

    rabbits are awesome if litter box trained lol

    i don't know if sugar gliders are a rodent but they are really fun and bond really well

    also guina pigs are fun to have around

  5. I have had hamsters and a rat. In my opinion, rats make better pets just because they are more intelligent than hamsters.

    Hamsters can give you a good laugh because they run in their wheel, shove food in their cheek pouches like crazy, and can't balance on your shoulder.

    I liked my rat because she was curious and intelligent - we built her a cage out of coated wire mesh that was like a vertical maze and she would climb the walls. They are more loving than hamsters as well, they want to sit with you and be near you instead of find somewhere to hide. If you can get over their appearance, they make wonderful pets and take care of themselves pretty well. Not as much upkeep either - they don't need special bedding or food like hamsters. My rat liked newspaper and dog food.

    I had a rabbit when I was a lot younger (about 5 or 6), and I guess you really have to keep up with their nail trimmings - all I remember about my rabbit is that it scratched me all the time and it hurt really bad, worse than cat scratches. I don't think they are considered rodents, but I could be wrong.

  6. i think hamters are easy to care for. but you have to becareful they could run away at night from there cage

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