
What in your opinion is the difference of one group claiming to reclaim U S from a group that wants to make US

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into what THEY want it to be 2? Is either one right and if they are how/why? And what does this group have against LEGAL immigrants?




  1. Then come and get it !

    If You dare !!!!!

  2. The group that is trying to reclaim the US is wrong because if not than the Native Americans should be given back their land too.  And Mexican Natives should reclaim Mexico and quit speaking Spanish.  The group that is trying to make the US into what they want it to be is right because it is THEIR country.

  3. One group not only bought and paid for the land, but they successfully kicked the other's butt!  One group has nothing against legals and stands against illegals.  deport illegals asap

  4. It's always the same ol thing.....rights, rights, rights, greed, greed, greed, gimme, gimme, gimme....The criminals want to rule,  illegals want to rule, .....and we let them.


    There is your real racist, and guess what, they are brown like the majority of racist in the U.S. are today.  Kind of like you.

    Face it folks, the face of racism in the U.S. for the past 10 years is brown and smells like tacos and cilantro.

  6. Neither are right but why are you surfing for white power websites? Why aren't you looking for non white racist websites as well? It seems like you like to target whites,are you a racist?

  7. My opinion is that the entire spectrum being discussed here is hogwash.

    Neither one is right.  The USA is what it is.

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