
What incentives you would want to have more children?

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What type of incentives do you all want so that you find that having more children is an advantage?




  1. Having more children for me would certainly not be an advantage.  That's an extra $7000 a year until he/she is 18!  Besides that...I don't have an extra bedroom.

  2. there is nothing that you or any one else can say of do to make me have more children.  i have three and that is all i want.  they are all out of diapers and in school.  i dont want to go back to changing and midnight feedings sorry there is no incentives for me.

  3. Not having an only child. The love of having a big family. I have 4 boys, 3 who are grown and the 4th is 9 yo. I love the thought of grandchildren. I guess basically just having a large family to where it will carry on for ever and memorable moments on the holiday's. I grew up with 5 sibs. in my family. I couldn't imagine being without them. I don't think I would want to be an only child, nor would I want to have just one child. If you have just one and god forbid something happens to both parents... Well what other family member as in brother or sister would he/she have to comfort him/her.

  4. Your child wouldn't be an only child, but sometimes that's not such a bad thing.  You can't always be sure that your kids will like each other that much.  I had six kids, and two of mine really had personality clashes.  Now, one of them has nothing to do with his other siblings (grown) so, I'm not sure there are any incentives so to speak, it's just a matter of do you want another child and do you have time for one, and can you afford another one.

  5. I think my biggest reason for wanting another baby, is so my son will have a friend for life.  I want him to have someone, should something happen to my DH and/or myself.  I also think about spending time together as a family, when the kids get older... the holiday's, games, recitals, what have you.  All pluses.  In fact, I don't see any negatives.

  6. I'm with Duckie & Kitkat.

    No more kids for me, no way, no how.

    I have 2 as it is and they're 12 & 14.  I've done a good job with these ones, they're well behaved, smart and respectful.  Best of all, they're clean and potty trained.  I cannot imagine having to go back to changing diapers, stained furniture, finding babysitters, etc.  

    Not to mention the cost and the fact that I no longer have the patience for little ones.

  7. I would have more children if (1) I was younger and (2) I had more money.   As it stands, three is enough!

  8. I have one daughter.  That's all I can afford, that's all I'm going to have.

    If one day I can afford to pay out of my OWN pocket for everything that my current has times TWO then I'll have another.

    I think many parents have more kids to entertain each other and also cause "aww so cute!"

    then when the babysitting, daycare, or pre-school bill comes in they freak out.. not to mention diapers, formula, etc... and still be able to pay a mortgage and utilities (not enough room to mention them all) PLUS have enough to keep my kid in the extra curricular activities she's already enrolled in....

    Many people CHEAT the kids they already have of a great life just cause "a big family sounds so cute!"

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