
What indications are there when the moon is in your sign,can you tell by just the way you feel?

by Guest56624  |  earlier

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w/o looking at the planets alignments for that day




  1. i think i can, but i'm not sure.

    i can tell because having gemini in my moon makes me very restless and bored. sometimes at night, i want to go out and party hand have fun. but since i'm a cancer sun, sometimes i just want to cuddle in front of the tv and eat a bunch of food.

  2. The only thing I note when the moon is in my sign is that I have more energy...I always seem spunkier when the Moon is in Capricorn.

    (Hi, Laro...No, just off working. I go away for awhile to do "stuff", then come back :-) Thanx.)

  3. hey my moon is not in leo but i did notice today that i was in a good mood and more talkative.  leo moon is opposite my aquarius sun....hmmm....

  4. oh interesting question, Laro - I should know this, but to tell you the truth, I have never paid much attention.  However, I would think that when the moon is in Libra, I would feel all peaceful and loving and content - one with the world; but realistically, it probably depends on the aspects because the negative side of a Libra moon would be to feel totally out of balance, either all emotional or all intellectual or all negative or all positive.

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