
What inefficiencies would arise from requiring all citizens to have the same comprehensive health insurance?

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What inefficiencies would arise from requiring all citizens to have the same comprehensive health insurance from their workplace?




  1. This takes away a freedome of choice.  This is like asking.....what ineffciencies would arise from being forced to eat McDonalds double cheeseburgers everyday.......think about the effects on the digestive system, mental effects, and then physical effects.

    America would become a country of fairness and not a country of freedom.

  2. Is this a serious question?  The only player big enough to do this is the government.  Just look at the DMV  and public housing projects.  The waste and fraud is tremendous.  Right now, about 20% of insurance cost is overhead.  With government medicine (like Medicare) 80% is overhead.  So you'll need to take in 5X the money, for the same payout.  

    Fraud rates in government programs are also about 25X the rate in private programs - that's because corporations CARE about getting ripped off, and the government doesn't.  After all, it's not THEIR money, it's YOURS.

  3. One problem would be small employers would not be able to afford the expense and would either go out of business of hire people off the books.

    This would prevent small companies from getting off the ground and only the big companies would be in control.

    Once upon a time Wal-mart was a small business and stores like Sears and K-mart dominated the retail market. Now Wal-Mart is the big boy on the block and Americans get much better value for their money now.

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