
What infections can you get on your v****a that can look something like herpes but not have all the signs?

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I have had these bumps on my v****a. I went to the doctor last week and he gave me a low dose of antibiotics. Over the week everything has cleared up greatly, but there is still some stuff going on. I went back to the doctor today, a different one, and he is now pretty sure that I have herpes. The bumps around my vaginal opening look kinda like herpes, but other than that... nothing else seems like herpes, I have no other herpes symptoms. I am not confident in this doctor. I am waiting now on the results of swabs... but does anyone have any helpful information for me?




  1. well after the swabs come back you will know. You cant fake the results of the cells. They are either infected or not. I dont know of anything that looks like herpes that isnt. In fact there are not really any symptoms besides the outbreaks.

    here is some info on herpes

  2. Genital herpes begins its first episode within a fortnight of contact. Some people get severe symptoms of herpes in this episode while others may get very mild symptoms of herpes during the first episode. The main symptom is appearance of lesions. These may be pimples or blisters which will crust and heal within a month. Painful urination and headache may occur during the first episode. Some people also show flu-like symptoms during the first episode. Some other people may get very mild symptoms and take them as insect bites, rashes, ringworm, etc. As these symptoms resolve soon, people are left unaware of the fact that they have herpes. Then, blisters appear on the genitals and near genitals. The common areas are: on the v***a, p***s, near a**s, thighs, and inside v****a.

    In the next episodes, the symptoms of genital herpes may appear like: ingrown hair, insect bites, pimples, spots, etc. If blisters form, they crust over in few days and resolve. Most of the following episodes resolve much quickly than the first episode. Symptoms mimicking hemorrhoids may also appear on the a**s. If you get repeated fissures or any other symptoms near or on the genitals, you should get screened for genital herpes. On average, a person having genital herpes from HSV2 may have three to four episodes of recurrence every year. Many times, despite the virus being active near the genitals, one may show no symptoms. That is called asymptomatic shedding . Many people feel some pain, tingling or itching before active onset of genital herpes. Within a day or two, lesions appear on the affected area.

    Laboratory tests can be used to detect the virus directly from skin lesions. A swab is rubbed over the sore and the material on the swab is sent for one of several tests called culture, FA, or PCR. Another test called serology can show evidence in the bloodstream for the patient's immune response to herpes infection. Both virus detection and serology can help confirm the health care provider's suspicions by physical exam and history that infection with genital herpes may have occurred

  3. If the meds you have got from the doc are for herpes then dear you got them but for me to answer i don't have them but y don't you get on the web and look at diff. pic's of them and see if yours loojk the same they look diff on everyone I would think GOOD luck with that. Hope you don't

  4. Just because you don't have the other symptoms does not mean you don't have herpes.  If you have sores your Doc should be able to do a culture and tell you for sure in a couple of days.

  5. It could be genital warts, which is pretty serious.

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