
What influence can it have on future gender roles of girls are increasingly active in competitive sports ...?

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  1. More female soccer teams and games.

  2. I played competitive sports on a collage level and to tell you the truth watching chicks play sports is SUPER BORING!! It was fun to DO, not to watch. A female will never be as strong and physically powerful as most males, their physical ability simply makes male sports more exciting. At my prime I was benching 250lbs and held state records in shot put and discus and I am not going to try to say that what I did was as exciting as when my male counter parts would throw.

  3. I've noticed in some places at a junior level the sports are coed now, and a lot of the boys are not happy about it.

    Not because they dislike girls or wish to take any opportunities away from them, but because the way in which the sports are run is changing to "level the playing field" ie do as much as possible to balance the game more in females favour which while it may help the self esteem of females, it will likely put the boys of sports as they are not given the chance to play in a competitive, physical, masculine way.

    So I think the changing gender roles will be that females continue to be encouraged no matter how lacking in ability they are while males are discouraged from the traditional male pastimes with little to fill the void.

  4. I think some women's sports are boring for some reason.

    I think women's basketball is the most boring, but women's MMA is actually quite fun. I watched a Gina Carano fight in Elite XC which was quite entertaining.

    I also watched the reality tv show "Fight Girls" on Oxygen which was also quite good. I don't think there's enough talent for a whole league for women's combat sports yet, but hopefully the UFC will add a women's division just like having another weight class because there is enough women's talent out there for a division.

  5. The influence it will have is that many young girls can now grow up in take active in a physical sport.

    It could also mean interco-ed sports. And who knows girls in contact sports might become more popular than boys.

  6. Sports are a great way for girls to gain self-esteem, learn team rules and be a leader.

    Many girls wouldn't be so bored with themselves and do stupid things like get pregnant.  Or take drugs.  Or land in Juvi.   They would be more interested at doing their sport and making friends.

    If highschool sports for girls had been around back in the 1920s just imagine how different our history could have turned out.

  7. Girls should become more active in competitive sports. That would be fantastic. In the WNBA even there was a huge brawl between two players on opposing teams! For a second I thought it was a Ron Artest battle because they looked so ferocious. Even though that is not a model example of how women should play, it sure shows a comparison between the NBA and other professional sports played by the two genders.

  8. Participating in sports is a great way for women to gain self-confidence and learn teamwork dynamics.  As a gymnast, I learned that if I worked hard enough, I could achieve things that I thought were logically impossible.  I use the lessons I learned in sports everyday of my life.

  9. I honestly don't believe women's sports will effect gender roles nearly as much as women working in the technology sector will.

    Now, if we began to have inter-gender sports, that may effect it a bit, But I honestly don't see that developing anytime soon...

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