
What influence did classical greek philosophy have on later cultures?

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What influence did classical greek philosophy have on later cultures?




  1. Don't you see it?  Think about yourself, for instance.

  2. I see we are both taking HUM/205...LOL sorry I cant help I too need guidence.

  3. Major. Greek philosophers were the ones who prepared the world to accept ideas like the ones promoted by Christianity. The soul, the spirit and the body are the three elements, which consist the human nature, according to greek philosophy, and on which the christian religion is based. Until then the people buried the dead along with material things, because they believed that the dead body lives again in an underworld. Also, greek philosophers were the ones who applied a purely scientific method for their theories: they observed and came to logical conclusions according to their observations. Also, in mathematics they proved their theorems with logical arguments based on a few axioms. All these are the basis of what we call today Theology, Science, Politics, Ethics etc.

  4. art, science, language, ethics, politics and literature.

  5. at the height of the roman empire greek men and women were highly desirable as slaves because they were an intelligent and thoughtful culture. The romans soon came to admire ancient greek society and did their best to copy it. You can plainly see the influence if you study the ancient greek language and compare it to latin. Their influence soon spread to architecture, art, diet, and religion.

    The romans were an ambitious people. They invaded neighboring lands as well as far away countries. They obviously took some of their greek servants with them. As the Roman Empire spread, it took with it its greek influences.

    Also, i should mention Alexander the Great. He unified the greek city states and led expeditions into far away lands. He also founded Alexandria. Which was a popular stopping place for Islamic pilgrims journing to Mecca. The Pilgrims then spread some greek influence throughout Africa and the middle east.

    Since the greeks had such an expansive influence all throughout the anciet world, the cultures influenced carried the new thinking greek ideas all around the world.  

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