
What influences people to tip more or less at a restaurant?

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I'm trying to make a survey for a Psych class and was wondering what causes people to tip more or less? what are some questions i can ask?




  1. Good, fast, friendly service.

    Good food.

  2. 1) Friendly greetings are awesome

    2) If there are daily specials that you need to review, do it slower rather than spout it off really quicky

    3) Always ask if they want to look at the menu first or if they would like to put in a drink order/appetizer order at that time

    4) If they order a drink - especially if it contains alcohol, always bring a each patron a glass of ice water, even if they don't ask for it

    5) After putting in their appetizer order, don't wait anymore than 5 minutes to return to take their dinner order.

    6) When the food goes out to the table always ask if there is anything else that you get get them/do for them

    7) Within 4-5 minutes after their dinner has been served always go back to make sure it is to their standard

    8) During their meal as you walk past, glance to see where they are at in their meal. If their drinks are near empty (and they are bottomless sodas) bring out fresh drinks and THEN take away their empty/near empty glasses. It's rude if you take near empty drinks away first and then returning with fresh ones. If their drink for the night is not bottomless, ask if they would like refill. Also, gauge on when they are done with their meal you don't want them to be waiting too long to have their plates taken away.

    9) When offering dessert, I've found so often that a waiter will offer dessert but not have a dessert menu to supply the guests and would have to retreive one.  Having a dessert menu when offering desserts is ideal.

    10) If they decline desserts and/or coffee or further beverages, then supply them with the check and be sure to let them know to take their time with the check so they don't feel like they're being pushed out.

    If most of that list is pretty much in order I tend to tip better. Being friendly and clean cut is a huge plus, even if your just eating out at a diner.

  3. I base my tip on if the waitress keeps my drink should never be empty.

  4. So many different factors.  I've been a server for years and there are a ton of things you can or can't do that affect your tip.  First of all, some customers just suck.  From the moment they walk in to the moment they leave, they hate you.  I used to work at an upscale lunch place and there would be quite a few people who were annoyed when you go to get their order (sorry, how else is your food going to show up).  But in most normal occasions with normal customers you just need to be polite.  You can tell when you greet your table if they want to be chatted up or left alone.  Make sure they get what they need in a timely manner and that the food you're serving is up to par and you should be fine.

  5. They tip more when they feel that their waiter cares for them.  When the customer asks for something, he/she wants to know that their needs will be fulfilled in the fastest way possible.  Also some studies have shown that it's harder not to tip well after the waiter has given their name.  It's harder to be ruthless to Susan than to "waitress."

  6. The level of service and also their courtesy. Those dining place I'm used to would call me to remind of the reservation 2 days in advance and also to check on any last minute changes.

  7. For me: Good service,  good manners, a friendly attentive attitude from a waiter/waitress and the quality of the meal all play an important part in me leaving a larger tip.  

    If the waiter/waitress is rude or really doesn't ask me If I need anything or if she just ignores me after bringing my food.  I will sometimes end up leaving them a meager tip because I might not feel that they tried to earn a good one.  Like the old saying goes "You get more bees w/ honey than vinegar"... That is so true...

  8. For me it's keeping my drink filled and giving plenty of napkins. Being attentive in general and friendly too.

  9. The attitude of the Waiter or waitress. If they check on you often, fill your drinks. etc.:)

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