
What info do you have on dual (or multiple) citizenships?

by  |  earlier

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A) How do u get them

B) What countries

C) R the places on the net offering to help u get it for a price legit

D) Do you have multiple citizenships

E) Any sites that are legit




  1. A) You can be born in a country or be a descendant of someone born in a country. In the latter case, either you or your family has to fill out some paperwork. Or you can become a permanent resident of a country, where usually you have to be employed in that country for a certain number of years or you marry a resident of that country. Lots of time and paperwork that way.

    B) Lots. Some links here:

    C) Unless they're offering to marry you or employ you, no.

    D) Nope. I could've chosen to give up my US citizenship in favor of my mother's birth country but that's it.

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