
What info do you know about driving? Does'nt matter- any info stupid or not!?

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What info do you know about driving? Does'nt matter- any info stupid or not!?




  1. Two things - one is something my mom told me when I first started driving, which is "Always expect the other driver to do something stupid, and you will never be disappointed", and the other is the five points of the Smith System, which I learned in truck driving school........

    1). Aim high in steering - applies more to pulling a trailer, this means keep your front wheels on the outside edge of turns.

    2). Get the big picture - In other words, your eyes need to get as big as possible.  Take note of everything around you, up to and including at least a quarter of a mile ahead.

    3). Keep your eyes moving - Just what it says - always look ahead, at a mirror, or at a gauge on the dashboard.  This way, you keep with rule #2, and it helps to keep you awake when driving at night or when you are tired.

    4). Leave yourself an out - In other words, leave a space next to you, in front of you or wherever you can so you can avoid a collision by having a place to swerve to.

    5).  Make sure they see you - Which means turn on your lights or do what is necessary to be seen out on the road.

  2. 180 spins and sharp turns ( at low speeds ) :

    when I want to perform a U turn and I want to do it fast and within little space I always use the emergency brake (hand-brake), applying the hand-brake while turning will cause the car to spin faster (the car rear will move in a circular motion until you do a 180 turn)


    Try this on a racing track or open place with no obstacles. surface of street makes the car behave differently.

    BurnOut maneuver (manual gearbox only):

    1- while driving in low gears (first and second) fully press the gas pedal until the engine sound become high

    2- Change to the next higher gear fast and without lifting your leg from the gas pedal.(of course you should press the clutch pedal to change gears).(If performed while turning the car will drift WOW).

    This maneuver will cause the cars tires to spin faster and accelerate very fast.

    This maneuver will hurt the clutch disk.(so doing it too much will require your to change clutch disk quite often)

  3. Rule#1: PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND WHERE YOU ARE GOING!! Distractions and recklessness cause accidents.

    Rule#2: SIGNAL! 100 feet from a turn, and at least 5 seconds before changing lanes.

    Rule#3: Don't tailgate! If someone behind you smashes into you, and you smash into the person in front of you.. guess what.. it's your fault and you pay for the person you hit's vehicle. (Plus it annoys the heck out of people when someone is riding you really close!) Leave at least half a car length when at a stop light ect., a full car length when on streets, and three seconds of a gap on the freeway.

    Rule#4: DON'T BE A LOOKIE-LOU! It just slows everyone down!

    and last but not least....

    Rule#5: Driving is a privelidge, not a right. Be considerate and don't hog the road or drive 5mph in a 35 zone (or vica versa).

    That's all I can think of right now..

  4. Drive the speed limit, use your turn signals, put down the cell phone and sandwich, pass on the right and pay attention. Also, be polite to the police.

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