
What info is included on a passport...criminal history?

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What info is included on a passport...criminal history?




  1. you're a criminal, aren't you.

  2. No, no criminal history. It's usually a picture, your DOB, where the passport was issued, when it expires, and things like that. And once a passport is issued to you, you will have a passport number.

  3. no, they dont hv criminal history usually if they hv criminal history, they cant go travel to others country. in passport, they hv their name, birthday, country they are from and date of taken plane.

  4. Name, address, date of birth. That's it.

  5. Your passport only shows your photograph, full name, city and date of birth and possibly citizenship. It has a number, place and dates of issue and expiry.

    Only in severe criminal cases of an international nature will you show up on a 'black list' when you try to enter another country which is visa-free or gives automatic entry stamp or visa on arrival.

    If you want to go to a country that requires a visa beforehand, you are supposed to declare criminal offences. If you receive the visa, then all should be well.

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