
What information do I need to put on a babysitting flyer?

by  |  earlier

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i want to make a babysitting flyer but i dont know what to include.





  1. I made these for myself and my friends so i i know perfect.



    *skills: [such as you have had experience with special needs children]

    *any other info:

    *days & hours you can work:

    *phone number:

    *$$: and as for pricing i always used "prices are negotiable"..which sometimes i got paid more then what i would normally charge.

  2. Must have clean record & experience with children.  Um, what about being certified with CPR.

  3. your age and a hot pic

  4. Put your qualities- (are you reliable, trustworthy, dependable, etc...) List any babysitting training you have had( babysitter courses, CPR, first aid, etc. if you have had any). Put experienced if you have done some sitting- you can also include the ages you have worked with and are willing to sit for.  Put your first name and home phone. You can put what neighborhood you live in but DO NOT  put your address or your picture- it's just not safe.

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