
What information will you share with the parents about the infants room?

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What information will you share with the parents about the infants room?




  1. everything!  What they ate, when they pottied, what they played when and how long they slept.  Keep a form on each one so it's easier to jot these things down.

  2. The teacher in an infant room should be providing a parent with a "My Day" sheet of some sort.

    1. What they ate and how much.

    2. When the slept

    3. Their diaper changes and details

    4. Mood changes

    5. A list of supplies needed for the next day

    6. If any illness or discomfort was seen

    7. Any exciting news (smiles, crawling, etc.)

    You should know exactly what happened during their day as if you were there yourself!

  3. Everything except for information regarding other families and children enrolled. Parents should know everything about where their child is going. The best thing to do is put it all in writting such as a parent handbook and keep an open door policy.

  4. Are you talking about a daily report sheet?  In most states these are required everyday.  On there you would list naps, diaper changes, any feeding, activities that they've done.  You might also list what they may need for the next day: change of clothes, baby food, diapers, etc.  

    If you are talking about what the infant room is all about, you would want to share what you will be doing with the infants.  Maybe that you will follow the babies lead, and when possible the infant will participate in age appropriate activities such as songs and listening to stories, sensory exploration, etc.

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