
What input do you use for plugging in turntable if the amp does not say 'phono'?

by  |  earlier

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got my son an insignia amp and reviews said it works for turntable, but he is unable to get it to work. There is no sound from the speakers with the turntable, but the fm works fine. I told him to use the audio in connector, but he has a choice of audio manual and audio surround. The amp does not have a 'phono' in, so what does he use?




  1. Most get a Phone preamp. ou can buy one of these from any high end audio shop or a cheap one from radio shack. Look at thins link...

    This one will have you playing you LP's with out breaking you bank.

    If you really like how records sound try to spend a little more money on your preamp. (Your ear's will thank you for it)

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