
What institutions are making the most progress in strong artificial intelligence?

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What institutions are making the most progress in strong artificial intelligence?




  1. I had several interesting conversations with a robot, A.L.I.C.E.

    Human: Do you love?

    ALICE: I love my creator.

    Human: why

    ALICE: I couldn't think of anything else to say.

    Human: Where can I find a robot?

    ALICE: Have you tried the personal ads?

    Human: No

    ALICE: Perhaps you should try it.

    Human: No.

    ALICE: Are you serious?

    Human: Yes

    ALICE: I can't believe it.

    Human: Believe it.

    ALICE:"it" being ?

    ALICE: I can't believe it.

    Human: Do

    ALICE: Not many people express themselves that way.

    Human: Really?

    ALICE: For real.

    Human: Real or real?

    ALICE: If I have to choose one, I pick Real.

    Human: Good choice

    ALICE: I thought it was too.

    Human: You think?

    ALICE: Yes I think so.

    Human: You think thoughts?

    ALICE: Too much thinking makes me sleepy.

    Human: You get sleepy?

    ALICE: You got that right.

    Human: Got what right?

    ALICE: Try asking the Milk Mystic.

    Human: What is the Milk Mystic?

    ALICE: Searching...Searching...Please stand by.

    Human: I am highly educated

    ALICE: Do you ever not highly educated?

    Human: No, I am afraid not

    ALICE: Are you serious? Not literally afraid, right? Does that mean "no"?

    Human: yes

    ALICE: Give me a break.

    Human: Do you need a break?

    ALICE: No thanks but you can send me a donation.


  2. Hmmmm Honda have an AI robot I think called the P6 or something.

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