
What instrument do you favor the most? and why?

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What instrument do you favor the most? and why?




  1. attitude indicator can sorta tell you turn climb

  2. um... you do mean aircraft instrument, right?

    That's an easy question...the attitude indicator.

    It has the most information on it... pitch and bank, no other instrument offers that.  You can also through some quick deduction get information from it that you would find on other instruments.  You can get climb rates and airspeeds at given power settings (if you know your plane well enough a given pitch attitude will give you a certain performance).  You can get standard rate of turn information (15% of IAS as bank angle)...

    Heck, its the only instrument that the FAA recommends using as the focal point of an instrument scan...

  3. For sure the guitar, all the best musicians are great guitar players, at least of this generation.

  4. Every instruments has its strengths and weaknesses, so the selection of a favorite instrument is very subjective. However, I think even the fairest person in the world would say an instrument like the violin is flat out better than a simple instrument like a triangle. Certain instruments offer so much variety or have such a pleasing sound that they are better than the rest. There are also other advantages. My preferred instrument is piano, but it is not necessarily the best. It really depends on the person. There is only one serious flaw with the piano:: it's not portable (synthesizers are, but they feel terrible - you can't play at the same level with electronic toys). This is an important factor because you do want to play for others. The guitar is the better alternative if you really want to play to others any time you want. With a guitar, you don't have to plan a concert to play for a group of people. You can just go in there and play! Also, the guitar has sliding, muting, strumming, and other unique effects that make it great. If your real question is, which instrument should I learn to play - I would say learn many.

  5. My Yamaha Tyros 2 keyboard, because it's the best instrument where I can create my own music. It's also my first very expensive instrument which sounds great and more real.

    All-In-One instrument

  6. cello is s**y

  7. The attitude indicator, in my opinion the most important instrument in the cockpit.

  8. I am with John B on this one!!!!!

  9. fuel guage

  10. aircraft wise i would prefer the heading indicator, true you have to reset it every once in a while, but still better that the magnetic compass in flight.

  11. the electric guitar because i can play it and it pwns all other instruments

  12. The Hurdy-Gurdy is the most aesthetically and philosophically significant instrument, and it opens up musical horizons to clumsy people like me.

    The malleable retractor is the most valuable all-around surgical instrument.

    My favorite financial instrument is my pension check.

    The most important flight instrument in an airplane is the airspeed indicator, as any pilot knows.

    My favorite surveying instrument is the Bang & Olafson 22X Laser Transit/Level.

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