
What instrument do you play and why did you choose it?

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I play the tuba and I chose it because we are the "boom" in the band.




  1. What a great question!  I consider my instrument to be the bass, and it was thrust upon me rather than I chose it.  I always played the guitar, as did most of my friends.  We put together a band in high school, and I traded all my guitar gear for bass gear, because someone has to do it!  I shortly fell in love with the instrument.  More than ten years later, I'm still in love with the bass.  We make you dance!

  2. I play Irish harp... and it chose me! The first time I ever touched one, I knew immediately that this is what I am here to do. I taught myself to play, and hung out with our local session of Irish musicians, learning the music, and sixteen years later I have a steady, fulfilling and very enjoyable musical career. I usually play solo, another benefit of the instrument; but I like best sitting in a roomful of other Irish musicians, playing tunes half the night.

  3. OK whats up ? and i am gonna guess you are about to say nothing much right ... am i right ... ok sorry about that and i played the clarinet. It was a small instrument for me to carry around and i loved the sounds it made. I also played cause my cuzin , my mom and my grandma played it so i wanted to try it to

  4. Piano, because it sounds really classy and beautiful when you play it :)

  5. I play the guitar because I absolutely love it.  Music is my happiness, my escape, and my muse.  The amazing versatility of the guitar allows me to pursue whatever styles I want and best express what I am feeling when I compose.  Without my music, my family, and my kitties, I don't know I could have survived the past two years.

  6. I am studying the piano and voice and can play the recorder. I used to play the guitar but unfortunately couldn't continue lessons. I chose the piano because for some unknown reason I have always wanted to play the piano and because the college I attended has piano classes with a good teacher and pianos to practice on for free (I don't own a piano so that's good). I chose voice because my Music Fundamentals class didn't have singing, just the recorder (which was chosen for me because it was mandatory for the class), and I ended up signing up for a vocal techniques class (because I had been in choir a few years before and I liked singing anyways). Also, I actually like performing for voice and piano (especially for voice though). I'm normally very shy and I always get nervous a couple of days before the performance date but I love it anyways and by the time the performance is, I have finished freaking out and I'm normally fairly calm.

  7. I play the cello. I chose to play it because it looked cool and nobody else did it. I also just like the word cello.

  8. Guitar, good hand dexterity, Piano, good hand dexterity and musical skills. Flutes possibly, and conducting music itself.

  9. Hey, I play the tuba too! Go low brass!

    I started out playing the trumpet in 4th grade because I had a relative who used to play the trumpet but died. I switched to tuba for concert band in 8th grade. I also started playing piano in 6th grade and played in my school's jazz band in 7th.

    I played the mellophone in marching band last year but I'm playing the tuba this year. I also play a little bit of bass guitar in my free time. My favourite instrument to play has to be the tuba, though.

  10. I play the guitar, drums and piano.

    I find them like them most instruments to express what you truly feel. Like in piano you can be mellow. In guitar you can go rock, or soft or something relaxing.. and for drums, I rarely use it but..when I feel down or something it's an awesome instrument, When I'm done, I feel a lot better!

    Tuba... I thought on practicing that. But sadly my parents think I learned enough :))

  11. Piano and guitar because they are the most common instruments, so it's easy to find any sheet music.

  12. Bass - wanted to join my friends punk band. turned into a love of mine

    guitar- wanted something other than Bass

    Sax - wanted to join my friends ska band. friends mom gave me hers from when she was a little kids

    Ukulele - because its AWSOME! haha

  13. i chose the guitar, y well I just love the sound of it and that it's kinda easy to play.:)

  14. i play the clarinet :]

    i chose it because its not high and airy like flutes

    but its not too low like the trombone

    i like the smooth sound of it and the way my fingers feel when i play music on it

    it feels like my hands are fluttering all over these keys making beautiful sounds :]

    i also like that clarinets can have the melody of songs in a band ANd they can also do the low "base" notes that give such a full sound to the band

    most importantly i like playing my clarinet because its fun and it makes me happy and gives me something to work towards becoming better at :D

    btw i love tubas :D

    our band totally needs some more of those ;]

  15. guitar - its fun and ladys love it

    bass - almost same as guitar but a little easier

    piano - i had one laying around and wanted to learn

    sax - because i had nothing better to do

    drums - because it was laying around and my dad wanted to teach me when i was little

  16. i play the flute, i choose it because i had no idea what else to play.

    i want to quit band though, i hate it soooo much, you have no idea  

  17. guitar, because every note and chord sounds so delicious on my fingers  

  18. guitar, because me and some friends wanted to start a band

  19. I play the cello. It's such a beautiful instrument and it just feels right to me when I play it. I played violin for 7 years before I finally decided to switch over to cello... it was a hard switch to make too because I had made a long commitment to violin but I'm so glad I did. I just didn't have the same "connection" with the violin as I do the cello. I think that everyone has their perfect instrument out there if they haven't found it yet and you'll know it when you find it because the instrument and the sound just resonate with you.

  20. My principal instrument is trombone. I have several reasons why I went with the bone; first is I wanted to be in jazz band in middle school.,

    second is my dad was an amazing singer with a powerful tenor voice-i think that I subconsciously drifted to the instrument that was closest to his range and tone quality., third-when i got to high school i could play both drums and trombone but the drumline was full and 2 guys a year behind me were better on drums too (so i figured i would be stuck on bass drum for at least 3 years and i chucked drums out for a long while).

    also; beethoven is quoted as having said that trombone was the voice of GOD! i like that!

  21. I am a singer because I need the most attention!  Plus, it makes me feel happy when I sing.

  22. I play piano because my parents made me. JK!!! um...i play for the royal conservatory of music so colleges like it and i get these sweet certificates for passing

  23. I play trumpet b-cuz the sound the parts they play how often they play, I did try flute 1st but couldn't play it.

  24. I play the trumpet and I chose it because they are the melody a lot of the time.

  25. Piano, I think I chose it because when I was little I was obsessed with Beethoven's piano concerti. I acutally begged my parents for lessons though. It is a good instrument for learning theory, and it has allowed me to be both a soloist, and a member of a chamber music ensemble. I also have fairly long fingers, my reach is a 12th, and decent fine motor skills, so I guess I got lucky too. The one problem with it is that pianists have to be nomadic. They can't take their instruments with them to perform, or to lessons, or anything really.

    I also played the violin for about 4 years. I learned quickly because of my piano experience but I stopped so I could spend more time on the piano.  

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