
What interests must you have to become a primary school teacher

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What interests must you have to become a primary school teacher




  1. The biggest and most important interest is that you want to be a teacher of primary age students.  The other interests you may have will only enhance the first interest I gave.  If you want to be a primary school teacher, try volunteering in some classrooms and then determine if thats what you want to do.

  2. I teach 3rd Grade, and my interests aren't exactly mainstream.

    Today I was sitting in my classroom sorting through some things that needed to be done before the start of the year. All of a sudden I was meeting a new student and his family. I was wearing combat boots, baggy jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt. Both of my heavily tattooed arms were uncovered. My the top of my head was more closely shaven than my face. My motorcycle helmet and jacket were laying on my desk. I don't think those parents were expecting that.

    I love going out and partying HARD with friends (never in the district where I teach). I like motorcycles and hanging out at the tattoo shop. I like listening to Static-X, RATM, and Sublime. My resume includes 15 years in the military and a combat tour of Iraq. NONE of my interests would be on a list published by a teaching college.

    The one interest that I do have that really makes a difference is simple. I love working with kids. I work every day to make them feel like they are the most important people in my life. That isn't hard to do, because besides my family, they actually are the most important people in my life.


    What interests do you need?

    You just need an interest in making your 9 months with those kids the best school-year those students have had before or ever will after.

    You might not always make it, but as long as you give it your best shot, you can't go wrong.

    Good luck.

  3. Don't be a child molestor and be prepared to take lots of BS from little kids.  I'd rather be a college professor so that I would be in class with students who actually want to be there.  

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