
What inventions has your country made?

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My country has made the steam engine, the telephone and the TV =]




  1. tea 8-)

  2. green ink. ;)

  3. The jet engine.

  4. A Maltese chemist had found a cure for prostrate cancer, the medicine will be distributed through out the world in the next two years, This is some thing big for Malta, also a Maltese doctor is working on a cure for breast cancer,he is at his break through, he is using a plant which only grows in Malta, it have the properties needed to fight breast cancer, all women will benefit from this.

  5. marmite

    mmmm marmite

  6. A nursing device for feeding infants with a cleft lip and/or cleft pallet includes upper and lower portions.

    This is the invention of a female doctor by the name of Fatima Al-Thallab. She earned the patent about 3 years ago, & in an international conference in South Korea her invention was picked as the best one among many from many parts of the world.

    I'll let you guess which small country I came from!

  7. the jet engine, computers(babbage), railways, anaesthetics, microwave,the 2 stroke engine,electric lighting.newspapers,radar, antibiotics.

  8. Your country has also invented penicillin, tyres, tarred roads, One oof your countrymen founded the bank of England, the list of Scottish inventions goes on and on.

  9. A lot!... I'm from the USA!

  10. St Patrick.

  11. Mine has invented a bloody great doorway and let the rest of the world in

  12. What havn't we made.

    The jet engine


    The steam engine

    The hovercraft

    Stainless steel

    And the world wide web to name but a few.

  13. Stonehenge, a use for it is yet to be found.

  14. I live in the same country as you and we also had a lot to do with penicillin.

  15. A few of the important inventions that have come from my country, Canada, include: the snowmobile, the toboggan, hockey, insulin, five pin bowling, basketball, the automatic mail sorter, the lawn sprinkler and the heart pacemaker.  Oh, yes, I think a Canadian invented pablum, the baby food.

  16. football,cricket and rugby to name but a few

  17. Here are a few inventions my country India has made, and this is not coming from me, it is coming from some very well known intellectuals:

    Albert Einstein, American scientist:

    "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made."

    Will Durant, American historian:

    "India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all".

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