
What invetion do you think will be obsolete in ten years?

by  |  earlier

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it can be anything i need ideas for a paper..




  1. VCR, we know that the incandacent light bulb is in it's last legs, answering machines, AM radio just to name a few

  2. The wood-block printing press - it was obsolete 500 years ago and is unlikely to come back into use within the next 10 years.  Ditto matchlock, flintlock and wheellock weapons.

  3. Gasoline powered cars may be on their way out.

  4. Street lights.  I believe that electrical grids will take their places.

  5. MP3 players

  6. The DVD Player.  Any movie you want will download instantly to your TV.

  7. Keyboards and mice for interacting with your computer.

    Computers will be touch and sound-oriented. Much more intuitive.

  8. portable tape deck, for playing cassets

    i hope that helps

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