
What ipod should i buy?

by Guest63857  |  earlier

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im planing on buying a new ipod. i might get the 80g classic ipod cause i want something that can play movies/videos.




  1. touch is MUCH better for movies/videos and no the touch does not scratch, 8 gig is 300 bucks 16 gig is 400 and 32 gig is 500. but if you need lots of music then go for 80 gig classic.but touch has much more than just music, so I dont know, but Im getting the touch.

  2. Really depends on how much you want to spend

    if money is not object then go for an iPod touch 32gb. Theyll hold everything you need and the screen is nice and big.


    Go for an iPhone if available in your area. Ever since I got mine I've barely used my iPod classic because my iPhone does exactly the same and more.

  3. the touch can play vids cant it?

  4. It depends on how much music you listen to, and what your budget is. If you listen to a fair bit of music, and maybe want a few videos, get a Nano. If you listen to a bunch of music, with more videos, get the Classic. If you want the whole deal, get a Touch.

  5. I suggest the iPod Touch. It's very slim and it you also have access to the iTunes Store and the Apps Store.

  6. I personally have the ipod nano I like it because it can fit in pockets( when class gets boring ... shh ) and even in wallets and my purse, the are more items coming out for the nano. Like the arm bad for exercising and face plates that sorta stuff. The only problem for some people is that it goes up to 8gb, but I think that is more than enough room,even with movies and t.v. shows!  

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