
What iranian people say about Mr Ahmadi nejad? ?

by Guest56931  |  earlier

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i am living i Iran , i want know that worldwide people how think about iranian opinions .




  1. Salam

    He's an idiot and he always looks dishevelled

    people are idiots too because they have electeh him to run the country so we deserve having a insane man to be our president.

  2. most of people say:hi's not good for {politic} attention :{{politic}}

  3. I watched a TV program about ordinary Iranian people, it seems that the rights of ordinary people to express themselves through art, music, and to enjoy their lives to the full are stifeled by the strict observance of religious laws, and that these are enforced by a "religious police". The people of Iran seem to be a beautiful people,full of ideas and enthusiasm to express them but can't without fear of being arrested. Europe was once in this situation, when religion dominated freedom of expression. This changed when enlightened ideas permeated the politics systems of Europe, only then did art and science progess. Iran and many other moslem states, although I respect their right to practice their religion are stuck in a Dark Age. The president should try to allow freedom of expression...but this is probably at odds to religious beliefs.

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